Sending my very best wishes to you @thomasevans that everything goes well and your recovery is quick and easy. And that the Reds give you a positive performance and result to make you smile.
Good luck pal with the op. Hope the incentive of a Wembley visit speeds up your recovery. All the best, Cowboy
All the best fella. You’re in good hands. What’s the saying about football being the most important of the not important things? The Reds will still be here when you’re back fighting fit but hopefully they’ll give you a boost or 2 in the meantime.
Always worrying to hear stories like this, especially for people of a similar age (like me). Hoping all goes well and that you'll soon be back watching the Reds.
Best of luck with your operation. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy a resounding victory for the Reds on Tues or Weds!
Thank you, everyone, for these wonderful and supportive messages. I am really quite misty-eyed. There is not much likelihood of my getting to Wembley if it happens, as the recovery time is given as three months and I won't be driving for a few weeks either, so it would be the new season in August/September before I am anything like again. I would appreciate the prayers of Saint Bruce. I have kept myself fit through daily walking the dogs and through weekly gym as well, so I am in with a good chance and am approaching it positively. As a Christian, I know that I am in good hands, whatever the outcome. "Walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone." Believe it and live it! I will be so doing.