I fell physically sick and genuinely upset - Sheffield Wednesday Matchday - Owlstalk | Sheffield Wednesday News for SWFC fans Trying not to take the piss too much tonight. Best mate is a deedar but worried about what tomorrow might bring....!
On Sky Michelle Owen said the second leg is Friday. We haven't even played yet and she's dreaming of us getting promoted.
https://www.owlstalk.co.uk/forums/topic/320100-refund-who-is-going-to-demand-money-back/ Contract law discussion here
Let’s hope we don’t look just as daft following this afternoons game before we start taking the piss out of another teams fans.
Favourite QUOTEs This recording breaking season is the equivalent of having a record breaking tape worm https://www.owlstalk.co.uk/forums/topic/320063-peterborough-~-v-~-wednesday -play-off-1st-leg-omdt/?do=findComment&comment=10700729 Other teams fans get up early to secure tickets early. We will be getting up early to refund them 16000 thousand in que.... https://www.owlstalk.co.uk/forums/t...d-money-back/?do=findComment&comment=10702136
I can just imagine him calling on Monday. "I'll tell you now Andy, if Sheffield Wednesday still want to win promotion this season, they should sack Darren Moore now and give me the job, until the end of the season. Believe you me".
To be fair, the predominant mood on here has been trepidation over our SF, with more than a few doom-mongers saying the Trotters will do us again. I think the Wendies were only concerned about whether the open-topped bus parade would come through their bit of Sheffield on the 30th.....