Khaled said on Tuesday she has started rehab, which is positive. It might be some time before we see her back at Oakwell though but the club are supporting her and her family.
Not prying but was it ever announced what exactly happened or did I miss it? Updates and statements referencing " being in ICU", "critical condition" plus, the prolonged stay in hospital and now rehab suggests something like a stroke /aneurism (I hope not) Whatever, I am sure we all hope she makes a full recovery and whilst I know respecting family privacy is paramount, given she is very popular with a large fan base it would be normal protocol to set expectation levels by providing a bit more detail, set minds at rest and avoid speculation/feeding the rumour mill. Fortunately there seems to have been little or nothing regarding the latter (until now!).
I’m sure we can make this happen. Also as it’s a Friday night match could we shine a light too for our final home game of the season?
Not prying but... then proceeds to speculate, create rumours etc. while saying that rumours are a problem. Couldn't make it up. It's never been mentioned by the club and nor should it unless it's something she wants.
I was fully aware of the irony hence the "until now! " remark! Nor would I expect "the club" to make a comment without family permission. Just a little surprised that the family, knowing the high esteem in which she is held by the fans, especially now she is apparently on the mend, has not been a bit more sharing given the huge outpouring of support and messages from the fans. Ultimately it is their decision though so no big deal either way.
The club are poor at so many things and make so many mistakes but the one thing that they never ever get wrong, is being a family. She's not just the woman who works in the box office, she's Beth The weird lad walking around the pitch with an iPhone sometimes isn't just the media guy, it's whitey. The physio isn't just the physio, it's Vikki. That list goes on and on. They aren't just random employees they are family members of our great club and so are each and every fan and whilst the club does **** up regularly I feel they rarely, if ever forget that. That's not because of Khaled, he's only been here two minutes. It's not because of Duff, so has he. It's not because of anyone in charge of communications or anything like that really. They all play a part of course and contribute to it but mainly it's down to people like Beth who answer fans questions in their own time on their personal social media and go with their husband to tow out a car that's stuck in the mud in a private carpark thats sod all to do with the club really. People like Beth are who make bfc what it is and I'm proud to say that I know there isn't a chance in hell that neither the fans or the club would ever turn their back on her or anyone else when they need it. I think it makes our club extremely special and Beth and her family should be extremely proud of the part she has played in creating that bond. Barnsley make lots of mistakes but at its heart it's a family club and things like this make me remember that and remember why that is too. I'd just like to finish by saying that I said that's not because of Khaled and a few others. I dont intend that as a dig as they have joined a club who already have that bond and have, as I'm told, continued it. Likewise I singled out a few people including in roles where more than one person do the same or similar job. Again that isnt saying the others are less important as they are definitely not, they were just examples.
Great news, obviously rehab will take some time but I've a feeling she's got the determination to do it as quickly as she's able.