Someone just posted this fantastic photo on Facebook. The centre circle pre-match wave was before my time, but I've heard it described by friends slightly older than myself as "the campest thing seen in a football ground". @Jimmy viz and @Jay I believe you were both big fans of it!
Have to say I’d forgotten about that. Think it was brought in by either Clarke or Hunter, copying what the 70s Leeds team used to do at Elland Road.
The one second from the left end must have been a hell of a footballer. Imagine what a three legged player would be worth in today’s transfer market
It was mint. Fanfare for the common man, walk out into the centre circle, line up and wave to all four sides of the ground. That was preceeded by a brass band or a majorette troupe. It might sound a bit crap, but honestly, 'kin miles better than anything we've had since.
I vaguely remember a majorettes group who lets say needed more practice at catching their batons , great entertainment
Very much of its time, and might look a bit ***** now, but it was all part & parcel of that great renaissance under Clarkey. As a young 'un, it thrilled me every week.
It was Clarke that introduced it - but yes it was a Leeds import. I think we all really liked it though
Great Photo. Im almost certainly in it as I used to stand around the half way line towards the back of that stand but the resolution isnt good enough to see me and my dad
I remember it well was Alan Clarke who Introduced it to Oakwell... The lads would wave to the four sides then momentarily stand and stare at the opposition Arrogance at its best...making a statement...if you think you can beat us then bring it on would wind up the oppositions fans and their team this day it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up...brilliant act of psychology on Clarkys part....we should implement it today... The wave symbolised our togetherness and definitely made a statement of content... Bring it back this Friday
Right (could be wrong) - I`m Going for (left to right) Phil Chambers Trev Aylott Can`t see Can`t see Ray McHale Ronnie Del Parker Can`t see Ian Banks Glynn Riley Ian Evans Norm Hunter. Could be wrong!
City of Bradford Brass Band seemed to always be there. I once wrote to them asking for a lift if they were due to be there. Never answered. or was it City of Bradford Pipe band?
Me too. Used to stand with mates just below the walkway somewhere between the halfway line the the 18 yard line on the Ponty side.
It was gay as ****, especially with the length of the shorts. Birdie song to come out to as well... I had to do it when l was the mascot!