Does it matter? Imagine you own an independent clothing brand and you sell 100 t-shirts a week to the same 100 regular customers. One day a celebrity buys your t-shirt and wears it in the TV. A load of people who didn't support your small independent company last week suddenly place orders. Do you A. Sell them the t-shirts and think 'get in, this is an opportunity to get myself some new repeat customers here. I'll make sure I treat them well' or b. Tell them to piss off and call them fickle etc because they weren't regular customers till they saw something good?
Not sure what relevance that has to my original question but Wednesday have a different size ground & fan base.
It must be so nice to be able to spaff hundreds of quid on season tickets and not worry about bills/health/ other commitments i.e. childcare. Some people have to prioritise more important things. If they want a one-off trip out to Wembley and it is at nobody else's expense, what is the problem?
Is it just ‘casual’ visitors that are missing out or have the ‘casual’ taken seats from ‘regulars’ because they bought earlier? Guessing it’s a bit of both.
No of course not. People need to get out of this mindset of thinking all football fans should just turn up out of loyalty.
yes let’s shut out potential customers. That’s a great business model. Next time I go to the Cinema I fully expect them to ask me the last time I went and that I should bugger off if i don’t go every week. You clearly are a genius in how to make a business successful maybe you need to become a management consultant.
You said would potential extra fans be clamouring for tickets if we had lost 3 nil.. I said well they are at Wednesday who lost 4 nil they done near on sell out every week.
I'm on the fence with this one, you pay's yer money an tek's the chance, i know people that have given games the cold shoulder, just so they had money put away for this one, if you've got a ticket enjoy the game and have a great night. C,O,Y,R.
Or even..."Have you seen all the actor's previous work? No? Then why would we allow you to come and watch this one?"
Semi final against Cardiff was either 38600 or 36800, not sure but I do believe we had ask for extra tickets which we sold out of.
I honestly don't care how many extra want to go (assuming we get there, obv.). As long as everyone that regularly attends and wants a ticket can get one I'm more than happy to take 15-20k of the occasional fans. Better to have larger numbers of reds sat there than only filling 10% of the stadium and looking/sounding ridiculous.