I have already stated on my other thread hash browns don't belong on a English breakfast. But I want to know... what unpopular opinion does everyone else have?
Chicken doesn't belong on a pizza. Local pub does proper pizza's in a special oven, but most of them have chicken on - wtf! Oh and bolognese sauce doesn't go with spaghetti, should be tagliatelli or pappardelle really.
Ketchup should be banned. Not that I hate it, indeed, on certain things it’s ok, but NOT, I REPEAT NOT on the following: Bacon/ sausage sarnies or full English Corned Beef hash Yorkshire Puddings Pork Pies This list is not exhaustive but the aforementioned should all be served with BROWN SAUCE. I will make an addition to pork pie as a nice bit of Branston Pickle is also lovely with this. Have it
Sorry....there are a few misconceptions with the above post... 1 There is not really such a thing as "bolognese sauce" (well actually there is but the true sauce from Bologna originated centuries before tomatoes were 'discovered' and came to Europe from South America*). What people outside of Italy call bolognese sauce is a 'ragu' made with tomatoes mixed minced beef and pork, tomatoes, onions etc. 2 There are only two types of pasta -either made with eggs or without eggs. All the different types are merely how it is shaped. Most restaurants/Trattorias etc here show the Primi Piatti page on menus with a long list of pasta down one side and the various sauces /Ragu, Lepra/Cinghiale/Funghi etc. etc. down the other side. You can order the type of pasta you want and then the sauce you want to have with it. It is then cooked to order and served either normal or 'al dente' as many Italians prefer it. (Incidentally 'Fresh pasta' even when 'home made' still needs to be left to partly dry before cooking after making otherwise it is too soft to cook 'al dente' Pappardelle is more often ordered with Cinghiale ragu (wild boar) lepra (hare) ragu or funghi than the Beef/pork Tomato ragu. Tagliatelli originates from Tuscany so the idea that it is the standard type for 'Bolognese' ragu is not correct. Bastardisation of Italian cuisine is a sore point for Italians . Rightly or wrongly Italians who emigrated to say America have evolved their own 'take'..e.g. Deep pan Pizzas, even allowing the ultimate 'crime' of including Pineapple on the optional toppings. Nothing wrong with divergence but in rural Italy, many of the older Italians are so parochial they consider 'foreign food' to be how they prepare and cook pasta in the next village! EDIT * Up until a couple of years ago there was at least one restaurant in Bologna where they served the original 'Bologna' sauce and took exception to people asking for 'Spaghetti Bolognese'.( it may still exist-I don't know) and which featured on a cooking/travel TV programme.
ArrgggHHH!!! Get thee behind me Satan!!! Philistines both of you!! Seriously there are a a number of place in Italy where you would be asked to leave if you asked for such an abomination. Some purist Pizzerias would also refuse to add extra toppings to the recognised pizza like Siciliana, Marinara etc. Some would however, serve you provided you actually said I want a pizza with x,y,z, toppings rather than "I want a Siciliana with ...x or y extra" since in their eyes it is no longer a Siciliana (Yes!!! they can really be that pedantic!)
Clearly you have never had a proper pizza in Italy from a wood fired oven. I have to say, on a visit to Barnsley at Christmas we went in into the market kitchen and I saw the Italian pizza place there and winced at the prices. Our local restaurant...wood fired oven for meats and pizza... 2 large pizzas, litre of house house wine, coffee 2 large bottles of water Still/Sparkling 2 espresso and cover charge (no tipping) Digestivo (e.g. grappa or Varnelli ) total about £26-27 at current FX rate) Italian restaurants in UK are very expensive and many are not that good either.