You appear to be a discerning 'foodie' so are probably the wrong person to ask, but only last week we were out with Italian friends and one asked me if I had ever eaten 'tinned spaghetti'. (as in ' it's 1973 almost diunner time and I'm 'avin 'oops'). Is tinned spaghetti/pasta still sold in UK supermarkets? It causes outrage, revulsion and ridicule amongst Italians in equal measure over here.
They most definitely do still sell it. Nearly half of an aisle of it, with the beans! There’s a few tins of spaghetti hoops in my cupboard! For the kids mainly, though they’ve gone off it, hence there’s a few in there. I quite like it on toast with a poached egg. Mrs likes the tinned ravioli and spag Bol on toast as well. I quite like spaghetti and sausage (and beans and sausage) from a tin. We’re posh we are so I always have an egg too..
Yes, in various shapes! I actually bought some tinned stuff from my childhood in the supermarket recently, just to see if it still tasted as good as it did when I was 5. Spaghetti hoops, tinned ravioli, macaroni cheese. The ravioli was bearable if covered in enough grated cheese, but the other two were absolutely dreadful. Strangely though, I still love beans on toast. Not sure what the Italians make of it?!
Back to unpopular opinions: Asda’s own yeast extract is nicer than Marmite. It’s thicker and darker, like I remember proper marmite used to be. It’s thinner and lighter these days. Nordpak from aldi is just as good as lurpak spreadable and anyone who pays the ridiculous amount they charge for Lurpak needs their bumps feeling People coming to Britain on little boats should only cause outrage because they are forced to do that by there being no safer means, not because they are coming here in the first place Tony Blair was not as bad a prime minister as he’s made out to have been We benefit from having a monarchy. The royal family are not a drain on public resources and generate more money than they are given back Anyone who still says brexit was a good idea is either stupid, deluded, xenophobic or a liar London is a really good place to visit and a lot of the people there are no less friendly than up north Real ale isn’t that nice and often tastes like sludge Worcestershire sauce is better than Hendo’s relish The time wasting and niggly fouls to break the game up etc that have become a bigger feature in Barnsley’s play this season since we got gubbed by Wycombe is an overdue and very welcome addition, as we have not been old manned and conned off the pitch every week by others more adept at the dark arts That’ll do for now…