Anyone suffering? Just wondering, as I wouldn’t say I normally have hayfever, but having spent almost all of yesterday outside, my throat is incredibly dry. Feel like I’ve downed a pint of dust.
Yes. Only acquired the dreaded hay fever once I turned 60. Runny nose, itchy eyes and breathing problems. Horrible when the pollen count is high
Both my wife and son are really struggling today/yesterday, I normally suffer, but not had a sniff so far. I'm doing keto diet, lost some weight, doing breathing exercises and cold showers for my immune system - might be working!!!
Yeah, really bad week for it this week, the nasal sprays and tablets take the edge off, but can’t get rid of it completely. It’s a real *******.
Oh yes. I had never suffered from hayfever until about 5 years ago.. I wondered what the F was happening, but 1 of my good friends I grew up with suffered from it very bad as a kid and I started getting the same affects so quickly learned what it was that hit me. This week it has hit, runny itchy eyes, runny nose etc. Does my nut in
Yep, eyes sore. Lots of spores flying around at the moment, tonnes whilst running on TPT etc. Best to take an antihistamine daily to build up stores, even when pollen count is low. I take loratadine as it is non-drowsy. Don't dry your bedding outdoors either.
Yes, this week has been horrific for it. For me it's the scratchy throat and itchy nose. Only started with it about 5 years ago. They say that more and more people will suffer from it because we went over a year wearing face coverings everywhere we went, so we're all more prone to it now.
Had it all my life. When and how bad you suffer depends on which pollens you are allergic too. For me it's grass which peaks between end of May and end of July. The cheapy supermarket available drugs have no effect. I take Fexofenadine which is actually Allevia but its only 120mg, I get 180mg bought online. Hugely reduces the effects but I'm still sneezy.
Yes sore throat and sneezing, was going to pay for the injection but it can cause some issues that will affect the symptoms I’m experiencing with my heart
Tree pollen with me. Take 1 tablet first thing every morning. Don't pay a fortune for fancy brands as the cheaper ones you buy at Wilko etc are just as effective.
I’ve been alright this week. I’m allergic to tree pollen though so it’s generally only when I take the dog through the woods. As above, buy generic brand ones, they have identical ingredients to branded ones. Also, there are two different types: Cetirizine and Loratadine. Both work for me but only one does for Will so if you’re having no luck with one type, try the other. Also, the wipes are amazing for when eyes are affected. Will gets it really badly and refused to try them for ages as he didn’t think there was any point. When he finally did, as he was in so much pain one day he’d try anything, they worked within a couple of minutes.
I'm through the worst of it now. Mine is always dead early in the year, not sure what specific pollen it is.
Can’t sleep with window open or I wake up like I’ve got a really bad hangover. Drives the wife mad, especially summer when it’s really warm.
I only had it once in my life until a couple of years ago and that was when visiting Australia with its different pollens. Last few years got it but only when down near Royston (inc weekend of Peterborough match). It’s been attributed to rapeseed!