I despise every one of you cuπts that ran on the pitch with an unhealthy passion. You selfish, imbecilic fu¢king morons. I hope every single one of you brain-dead pri¢ks gets a lifetime ban. And the adults with kids?? Fu¢king shame on you morons.
Think it was as you say always going to happen. Probably adequate even more likely after the Sheff Wed's win last night.
Considering that's happened at nearly every last home game in all my 54 years of following Barnsley it didn't take a genius to work out what would happen. Might as well accept it.
No I don't accept it. The warnings were clear & very obvious. Hopefully the club and the authorities make good on their threats of punishment for those involved.
I gave a small round of applause followed by a ‘this one’s for Harry and St George’ followed by a cigarillo and a few episodes of Countryfile.
Banning them would be the club shooting themselves in the foot, losing out on gate revenue. But so long as everyone identified shares the inevitable fine all is good. I suppose they'd better hope plenty are identified or it will be quite a chunk each. All that said, I think the EFL should review the rules because it is all fairly harmless with no apparent intent for violence.
On the one hand we had something to celebrate so it's a little different to the usual pitch invasions at the end of season. But there is no excuse for the pricks who were doing knee slides and belly flips. Grown ******* adults too. Then there's the immature pillocks waving to their mates in the stands 'look at me Dave, I'm on some grass. Can you see me? Look I'm down here yoohoo' ******* weirdos. The ***** who was showing his arse should get a life van and be named and shamed to set a strong example.
The law is that it's an offence to enter the playing area unless invited. Isn't the loophole here to simply invite fans on after the game ends? If that's what they want to do of course.
Those cretins waving the smoke flares need the biggest punishment . I hope they were grabbed and marched off to the police room
Grown men doing kneeslides, bloke coming on and pulling his trousers down, kid with no adult left on hos own on the pitch. Seriously stupid.
That tosspot needs banning for life. Ran on his own and belly flopped in the centre circle when everyone else was leaving the pitch. Then pulled his trousers down. Then came back on before the players went off and was poncing around the edge of the pitch. Then came back on alone and tried getting at the players before dropping his trousers again. Charge him with trespassing and indecent exposure or whatever the offence technically is and name and shame him. Make an example