You've had to register for Coventry tickets if you wanted them when they went on general sale. Fair enough, its not that much effort!
If we cannot go & buy our tickets physically then thats me knacker-d, my grandson who sorts out all things computer for me is away on holiday until next saturday & if it is down to me then I"ve no chance of sorting it, I don"t mind queuing all day but buying tickets online for me is mission impossible .
With respect, you can post on a forum, so you can’t be that knackered. Give it a go yourself. Nothing to lose - it’s not that tricky. Plenty on here to assist you too.
With respect , I might be able to post on a forum just ! but I cannot copy & paste , put on videos or anything that requires a bit of computer knowledge , I am useless but I will seek help but I am sure there are a lot more out there like me who just like to pay over the counter , I hope the club consider us .
He only flew out this morning so I don"t know to be honest but if I am desperate I will try to contact him , just hope you can manually buy them with the season ticket passes , I always renew the tickets at the office & I feel sure I am not on my own with this one .
It looks like the tickets will go on sale Monday morning, so I'd try and contact him tomorrow to let him know. I'm sure he'll have some sort of Internet connection
Reading that, they can't believe that we'll get the same allocation and they're very confident that when we don't sell all ours, we'll send them back and they'll get them. They not heard of segregation then? Only way that could happen is if they don't release the blocks that are nearest Weds until we've sold everything they do that?
Luton have done a very classy thing for their older fans who expressed concern at not being confident booking online. They extended their phase one (season ticket holder) selling period by 24 hours and have advised: 'We now have today (Friday) to enable Ticket Office staff to contact older and disabled supporters who have followed the correct procedure of emailing for a call back, to ensure that our supporters of greater need receive the right attention so they don’t miss out on a fantastic day.' Hopefully there'll be an alternative that our club could put in place for people such as yourself.
I've been asked to try to buy 6 tickets for people who as far as I know have never been to oakwell before. It might be 8 tickets actually or potentially 10 if their entire family decide to go not just the dad and son. I've never been asked that before at a previous final
You aren't useless at all Red CB don't put yourself down. You can use the BBS because you've learned how to. If you needed to learn how to buy tickets online you would be able to do that too. Not before Wembley I assume but with time you would, easily. You'd learn how to copy and paste and put on videos too if you needed to do them regularly enough for you to really have a desire to do so. It's not relevant to your post because right now you don't have the knowledge to do it and book online, I just wanted to point out that you're not useless and could quite easily pass for someone much more knowledgeable about technology with how you post on here. Well if it wasn't for your Victorian views on the west stand of course Also Gally is much better at technology than I'll ever be as are about 99% of the BBS. I can do what I need to do and that's it basically. But I pass hoyland common pretty much every day and would be happy to pop in on my way to or from work to help you order tickets if you are stuck.