it's crazy. I know it's unlikely, but it just shouldn't even be made a possibility that ST holders might not get a ticket. max 4 per ST removes that possibility.
It’s anti-family and anti community. And the result is now everyone scrambling round for ST pals/ people who have purchased.
We won't even sell out. And the number of STs buying their full allocation that doesn't include other Season Ticket holders will be minimal. I would guess 150-200 max. So once you've netted it all out you'll be closer to three per season ticket anyway. Anything that gets the biggest number of tickets shifted on day one will help with trying to sell 35,000 tickets in five days or so.
Even more serious if a parent is wanting to take 2 children. They simply can't. If there's two parents and two children at least each parent could take a child, even though they would almost certainly be sitting in two separate groups of two. But if a mum or dad wants to take two children on their own they can't. Even if they got someone else to buy the third ticket, they can't all sit together. Unless I've completely misunderstood it, seems draconianly restrictive to the point of causing safeguarding issues.
6 each for STs is a Rowingesque mistake. All the best seats/blocks will be gone in the first hour (many to non ST holders) and large numbers of ST holders will be shoved aside into the less popular areas. Theres the potential for some to miss out altogether.
It's a shame that they can't match your buying history to the number of tickets. As they obviously have access to database. I normally get all the tickets for us (6 people) so I think I'm the only one on the database, but a quick look at my history would see that I normally get between 4-6 tickets.
That interview with the business magazine is looking more and more like a late April fools joke with every passing day
Same for Sheffield Wednesday and the same chat. Not sure if there's any solution offered in the comments that could help people here.
Am I right in reading that you CAN'T buy match tickets in person and you cant but coach tickets online? That really is a stroke of genius that
Doesn't work like that. Think they sell clockwise from halfway in each price bracket, block by block. That means if they're left with empty blocks once sales have dried up, they can give some to the millions of Fritzls still looking for tickets and keep the segregation.
Sorry, but any chance someone could clarify please. I've been to Wembley everytime since 2000 as a non ST holder and been able to purchase 3 tickets. Is this a new rule introduced since we last went? Or can each of us, me and the 2 in my network get our 3 required tickets together? Currently I think not which seems mad, only groups of 2 can sit together?
Not sure if I am misunderstanding, but in general sale does each person require a booking history? I normally buy tickets for me and my daughter but I have never been asked to allocate her to her ticket. There’s going to be a very upset 8 year old if this is the case.
Also - I believe opening it up to six tickets per ST Holder was to deliberately allow a lot more flexibility for supporters to get around the General Sale limitations. Obviously that doesn't work for everyone, but it will help some.
No they won't. You don't get a choice where you sit other than choosing the category. They're selling them one block at a time, starting from the north side of the stadium and moving round.