Ah I see, I thought you meant to book today. Yes you would in that case need 4 log ins. Only 2 tickets can be booked per person on general sale. I think with the seat map being so good and having 30 minutes to book, you should be fine in coordinating, although it is a pain. When you log into it you can see other seats greyed out where seats are being processed.
The seat map is absolute rubbish. You have to magnify it big time to see seats, then the cursor remains in "drag and drop" mode for substantial time before moving to point mode (often changing back to "drag and drop"). Then you have to choose each ticket individually (can't click on a range of seats) with the seat map each time reverting back to the "view from Mars" aspect so you have to re-magnify etc. It really is an absolute pile of s***e. How on earth Ticketmaster is able to sell this rubbish to organisations is beyond me - maybe they're using FIFA/UEFA bribery tactics to keep the business.
I genuinely had no idea the expression was connected with that, although now you've mentioned it, it makes sense of course. We used to use the expression at school to describe the reaction of our music teacher after we'd locked him in his instrument cupboard. Again. Absolutely no offense intended on my part. My cousin is also affected quite badly by epilepsy.