Hearing tales of £7.50 for a pint of gnats urine in Wembley, arrrr much is it int pubs down there? Are JDW still cheap? We have JJ Moons and Green Man near Wembley.
Spoons are still cheap down there. Went to Charlton a couple of seasons ago and I got a pint of Magners for less than £2.50
never understood the obsession with the green man. every time I've been, it's been a nightmare. absolutely rammed, nightmare getting served, even worse getting out with your drinks still in tact. we'll be suppin' elsewhere for a couple of hours, then straight to the ground to soak up the atmosphere
Agreed. It was Fosters served in plastic last time, no thanks. If you head further up town there’s a high street with the majority of our designated pubs for our side; much better.
I bet all the trains will be dry with it being a derby. I remember when we played West Ham away in 2009. Leeds had Arsenal so all trains were dry and we had to bin our cans at Doncaster.
green king IPA was £7.10 at the Oval last summer. My advice is don't buy it if you think it is a rip off.
Went to watch Fev Rovers at Wembley couple of years ago. All beer prices in pubs around Wembley were around £1.50-£2 more expensive on the day of the game than the night before. Proper rip off. green man is ok for for rugby events with the banter between both teams, but wouldn’t waste my time going there with only 1 set of fans there. Also been told the big grassed areas out side Wembley were lots of barnsley fans were sat drinking last time we are there isn’t allowed anymore as no drinks allowed on streets outside Wembley - not sure how true that is
i went to that game remember it well. got to london after the game and bought a crate from off license for a few of us on way back, got to train station and got told by police no drinking on the train so no alcohol allowed to be took on, asked what you want us to do with this then, answers were either drink it now and dispose of the rubbish or we can empty it and then let you dispose of the rubbish. we were about 15-20 minutes before train was to leave so we drunk as many as we could, even handing them out to fellow barnsley lads was on the last can and about to dispose of all the rubbish and the train pulled away. got told the next train wouldnt be a dry train as L**ds had already left and there would be lots of police the next train getting back home, was told it was 1 hours time went to the pub round the corner (think it was o'neills) had a couple and went to the off licence again to get a few for on way back yet again police pulled us and said dry train even though it was the same police who said it wouldnt be. absolute shambles it was, ended up pouring most away and got on the train to only find there was a bar on the train selling alcohol.
When we played Oxford in The JPT, we went in the Irish Club, they charged a fiver entrance fee, and all there was was a big room and a bar that was constantly 10 deep queuing. When we played Spurs a few months after we walked past it on the way to the Green Man, and it looked like it had closed down?