The place this time, not the football team. Two people riding electric scooters were for whatever reason attempted to be stopped by police but rode off and were chased. They rode into the path of a bus and were both unfortunately hit and killed. This then caused mass riots from balaclava wearing pieces of **** who were setting fires, turning over cars and throwing paving slabs and bricks at police. Eventually hours later the mother of one of the deceased has had to beg them to go away band stop rioting because her sons dead body was still laying on the floor as the ambulances were unable to safely move the bodies. People are absolutely scum sometimes. Not one of those rioting can possibly have known the exact circumstances of what happened. they've just seen an opportunity to be scum and taken it. Ad for what? To add more misery onto the worst day of a mother's life. Lock the lot of the fuckers up
So it’s the police fault for them failing to stop and getting themselves killed . Electric scooters are illegals to ride in public and are only for use on private land
tell me about it I was following Darth Vader down a street yesterday ( I kid you not) the kid ( about 9/10) had no ideaI was behind him until I gave him a ( restrained) bip on the horn, he was fast approaching a blind bend, owt could have happened!
BBC News - Cardiff riot: Two teenage boys killed in crash before Ely disorder
City centres all over have them.. they were scattered all over Milton Keynes the other week. Private ones should not be illegal at all. It’s just another way of the government having control over the population again and making a constant profit. If they’re dangerous and a menace to ******* hire them out then!
Police caught with their pants down again. Was one of those high powered ebikes by the looks. Not a scooter.
How exactly is that the police caught with their pants down? Witnesses say there was no police van anywhere near the kids whe they crashed into a bus, police trackers show there was no police van anywhere near the kids when they crashed into a bus, records show there was no police van near the kids whe they crashed into a bus and the police only arrived on scene when they responded to a 999 call about the accident. CCTV does however show a police van half a mile away 5 minutes earlier without it's blue lights on behind the bike. That seems to tie in with what the police say in that they were not chasing them when they crashed. If they were they were doing a **** job to be half a mile away and only catching up to them after a 999 call. Either way it doesn't excuse not stopping, it doesn't excuse riding dangerously and it certainly doesn't excuse turning over cars and torching them, threatening to kill people, throwing missiles and attacking people and stopping the dead bodies being taken to hospital. That is the actions of scum IIRC there's special rules for engaging in chasing motorbikes, especially non adults who are not wearing a helmet. Might be why they were keen to say "We weren't chasing them".
Yes that's half a mile away though and again no lights on. They didn't chase them to their deaths. And again it doesn't excuse rioting.
This thread is grim. I’ve just decided against pressing send on a very long post as to why. Can’t be arsed. But yeah. Grim. Really grim.
"Police have confirmed for the first time that officers were following two boys whose deaths just minutes later sparked a riot in Cardiff." It's a police van, which in the footage is quite obviously following the bike at some speed. If it was doing say 30mph then it would have been just 280 yards behind them (less than a 5th of a mile). CCTV shows this was a minute or so before they died, lights or no lights. Nobody on here is banging on about it being "an excuse for a riot", just pointing out that the police lied and got caught doing so.