Just a line to thank everyone for their kind messages. My kidney and tumour was removed last Friday and is now on the way to the lab for analysis. I was compus mentis enough to learn of the Super Reds success against Bolton on Saturday morning, which was a great tonic. Well done the lads. Made me feel much better really. They discharged me on Monday morning, which either tells you that the operation went really well, or that the NHS is struggling for beds, or a combination of both of those. It is now a question of three to six months recuperation, given my age, but I will be determined to get back to walking and to the gym in due course. Thanks again for the kind messages. Thought you should now how it turned out. Recovery still ongoing, though.
So glad the op went well. Try not to get too overexcited on Monday when the Reds being home the bacon!
Take it steady for a couple of months and you,ll feel the improvement day by day.I'm into my fifth month post op.and I've already had a holiday abroad,back watching Barnsley and having a few pints at the weekend. You've got the hardest part over ,.onwards and upwards from now on. If you need to ask anything please pm me.
A normal 'Like' doesn't seem enough for your message @thomasevans! Great news that it went well. I hope your recovery goes well. And that the Reds give you a further tonic on Monday!