You're right. Always forget VAT in terms of ticket revenue. Would be £140k of a £700k windfall with additional coach travel and hotels taken off that too.
Not trying to be pedantic Ben . Don't make the mistake most folk do mate. It doesn't work that way round £700.000 - 20% vat = would appear as a £140,000 vat bill £583,000 + 20% vat = approx £700,000 a vat bill of £117,000. (£23k better off so to speak.) Sadly. maths was my favourite subject lol. After games that is.
If we really want to see some losses, work out income v players’ salaries for all 92 clubs, as that’s where most of the money goes. In fact, the latter often outweighs the former. Every time we see a club in financial trouble, the biggest reason is that they pay their players too much. We pay our players too much, even though our wage bill would be amongst the lowest in the Championship if we go up. I’ve just read that Saka is now being paid £300k per week. Who actually needs that amount of money? But fans never question it, even when they are having to fork out £1k+ for a season ticket. “We have to pay them this or they will go elsewhere”. Let them.
Well said. Football fans have been taken for mugs for too long and it's all too easy given the lifelong loyalty we have that's only comparable to family and friendship. So glad our club has ousted the directors who took us for granted.
Travel and accommodation costs for the teams are defined in the EFL rules. It (like VAT, staff costs, etc) comes out of the gross figure before the net is split between the pool and the two playing teams.
We has a club won't see the benefit from the game at all unfortunately.... Our share will have already have been earmarked to pay for the fines weve incurred, due to those idiots especially the one In the white jeans who invaded the pitch against Bolton...