You're not allowed to drink alcohol on the coaches by law. Not sure they'd let you carry any on for later consumption as they're gonna assume you'll crack it open on the journey.
Not on the officials, hence why no one usually goes on them. If you attend regular away games on unofficials then you’ll have no problem with drink.
It's illegal and if your coach gets stopped and it's found you'll be sent back to Barnsley, so it's not worth the risk.
That would be up to the driver.. he could let you put it in the luggage lockers and keep it locked away till you park up at Wembley. If the police get on the bus and there's cans up and down they could take his license off him.
Booze not allowed in holds on most of coaches. You wouldn't be able to drink it when you get there as street drinking banned and no shops allowed to sell alcohol on match days. Only way to get a pint will be in a boozer or in the ground. Blame the morons who caused carnage at Euros final
Things like this don't come around too often so the best option might be buying two pints at a time in the pubs at Wembley because of the queues or biting the bullet in the stadium.
Probably won’t on the fair weather busses, but I guarantee on the usual bus/busses that go to every away game they’ll be supping. Standard practice, stop off an hour before your usual destination and the empties come off. All spare cans get shoved in the toilet and the out of order sign gets put on the door. same every game but I think they’ll avoid letting the non regulars on with beer.
This time, no. Police will selectively search coaches .no alcohol whatsoever .if found on bus will be turned round and told to go back home.on any coach .DENYING everyone on coach from sieng match. No alcohol outside spaces near Wembley.
The Manx do go to every away game, and usually stop off somewhere for a drink before. I occasionally go with them. They usually contact the local police force before to arrange it. Presumably, they've been told on this occasion that there's going to be a no tolerance policy. I know some will, but they're running a risk.
I'm getting the train, not sure about the legalities of supping on them, but tbh I'm in London by 10.25, I can wait till then
Nope. And forget that street drinking malarkey from days gone by. I had a drink confiscated at the Womens’ Euros. Had no idea. Felt like a proper criminal!!
How much is a beer in the pubs around Wembley, £8 or more!!. That's daylight boloni!!. Make no wonder some people want to smuggle in a few cans, err for medicinal purposes lol. And I still remember being annoyed when I had to pay £2 and then £3 for a pint, for the first time.