Me and my wife bumped into Jamie cook a few weeks ago in Native in sheffield, which is a pretty small restaurant. he came in with a load of his mates and wife. We went to uni in sheffield and saw them at the tiny venues at the start, seen them loads and love their earlier stuff. Off the hillsbro to watch them. unfortunately Jamie and his mates weren’t very pleasant, fairly rude to my missus, very aloof. She barely bothered him, was just nice, saying we were out on our anniversary and had watched them up and down the country. Essentially shrugged his shoulders and they took the piss, calling her a fan girl. At the end of the evening I asked him if we could have a photo . He begrudgingly said yes. So I gave him my iPhone and asked him to take a photo of me and my wife.
Hi Gally, I don’t know how to private message, but do you still have these for sale and would you sell just two? My lad and his friend want to go and are thinking of buying from a complete stranger on Bookface which seems a bit risky. Let me know if poss. Many Thanks, The Perm