A reminder to the board, if needed, just how bad things had got between the club and fanbase. A season of shutout, when people just got out of the habit of going, followed by last season's abomination. Completely decimated our support.
Why not give updates? It was nothing to do with Sheff Weds it was trying to build our own support up to hit targets
Look at it this way,you say we will be outnumbered 2 to 1 when we beat them at pigsbrough it must have been at least 20 to 1
Today is pay day for a lot of people.? That might add quite a few more? Kids starting out, live month to month. I still do.
Its an expensive day out and in the current climate where a lot are struggling to pay their bills etc paying over the odds to watch a game of footy they can watch on the telly in a pub for nowt you can see what some may choose that.
Well done, its not about who's got the biggest bollock5, who sells the most tks and who's tekkin the most fans, its abart fans that are putting money up again to support a club we love, not easy to find a spare 100parnd plus, per person, expenses some people just aint got. Well done, Watch it on the telly enjoy the day an av a great day everyone, C,O,Y,R.
I don"t get it with this obsession about how many each club has got attending, if you look at our average home crowd & double it that is more or less what we have sold & is outstanding , Wednesday have done more or less the same , look at their average attendance & double it & you will not be far out , both teams have got great followings both proportional to their regular gates , credit to both clubs .
I thought many thought payday would see a boost in sales. I genuinely think we will have about half the Wednesday number disappointingly
Yeah when the ST holders got allowed 6 tickets each then the inital sales were always going to be If folk remember we only got 15k home fans in the prem season.. And dont say its because the ground only held that. We still 500 short on a ST sell out
I know a lot of barnsley fans in fact tons with the "cba" attitude Not gonna judge its up to them what they do with their pennies. I do hope theirs atleast 28k of us but if their isn't I ain't gonna kick up a fuss. It is what it is. Wednesday do have a great fanbase. Fair play to them.
Home ends full every game, I know reds fans people who didn’t buy STs for various reasons including: Couldn’t get f behave yourself home ends were sold out every game. There were various reasons why/if there were 500 spare seats, lack of interest wasn’t one of them
It's our 5th trip there this century, so it's lost the OMG it's Wembley vibe. It's also yet another division 3 play off final. If it was a big occasion like another FA Cup semi final or Championship play off final we'd have sold 30k.