This news breaking about samples being taken to Germany and searching for a video camera. It is only me that thinks it's tenuous at best trying to link this German sex offender with the Mccann disappearance? Seem to be clutching at straws to me.
So far we know that two petty criminals pinched a camcorder and a gun from a known rapists house and dumped it in a reservoir. How this links him to Madeline Mccann disappearing is anyone's guess. Unless they watched it and have admitted seeing her on the video.
This whole thing still makes my blood boil. They've got off very lightly (yes, I know, they've lost a daughter) all things considered. If this had been a working class couple from Barnsley leaving their kids unattended while on holiday they'd likely have been torn to shreds by the media and had social services waiting for them off the plane to take their other kids.
There been any number of suspects. I don't think the truth will ever come out, but I feel sorry for the twins that are now of an age to read all the newspapers and stuff on line about their sister's disappearance. The whole thing is odd from start to finish.
I hate to say this, but the McCann case really boils my pee. At best, they left 3 kids unattended in an unlocked hotel room while they went on a bender with their mates. They were either too tight to pay for a babysitter, or couldn't be bothered enough to look after them properly. I can't understand to this day why they weren't facing criminal charges and a social services investigation. My daughter is a similar age, and we went on holiday as a family - all meals included her, and often centered around her. They went on holiday as a couple and took their kids along.
I think it would be nice if people, instead of lobbying for the McCanns to get the same treatment as a Barnsley family, time was spent lobbying for the Barnsley family , and every other family who suffers in this way to be treated like the McCanns. Level up, not down.
Maddie was or would have been (depending on your opinion of if she's still alive or not) 20 last Friday. That must make a few people feel old and wonder time as gone.
Eh? You think that parents who leave their kids in unlocked apartments to go get pissed should all be let off just because a couple of dodgy doctors got away with it?
You read that from my post???? Jeez! My point is that the ordinary family who is castigated should, as the McCans have, receive the same, no stone unturned, never stop looking, staying in the public domain treatment. Not doing an initial search and soon after, giving up.
The main point of my original post was let sleeping dogs lie. Have the Needham's got closure or has their grief just started? Before that they had a missing child as the McCann's do and a bit of hope. If they find Madeline through this they'll have more pain. Sometimes is it best not to know and have a bit of hope for the future?