Hanlon's razor - "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." There's no conspiracy, just ineptitude.
You could make a case for incompetence (again, and again, and again - see one penalty awarded all season, and that in a game which was already a foregone conclusion) but VAR being involved and us still getting cheated just renders the argument ridiculous.
Yeah it does make you wonder. Add it up over the course of the season, and it definitely has NOT evened itself out, like we keep getting told it will!.
Before today I would have wholeheartedly agreed with you. But not after what we just witnessed. There are two VAR refs. Do you honestly believe that both of them looked at the penalty incident and agreed that it was not even worth sending back to the ref for another look? It's not even a 50/50 decision. It's a blatant, blatant penalty.