The new Wembley is great. So much better than the old ground. Shame they couldn’t have had the twin towers somewhere around the ground though. I would have said it’s a great day out when you win, but horrid when you lose. I’ve gone with mates to support Scunny and Exeter in the past, and tasted victory and defeat with them too. But yesterday changed all that. We lost, but the performance we gave didn’t feel like a defeat. Isted, Connell and Norwood in particular didn’t deserve to be on the losing side. That’s why, for the first time, I wasn’t straight out of the ground at full time after losing. Those players and coaches deserved applauding for their efforts, not only yesterday, but all season. We now have the two months I have grown to hate though. The period when people I want to be here next season move on. I think I’m just going to avoid everything footy related for the summer, apart from the fixtures, and then see who’s in the squad and who’s in the dugout when I roll up to Oakwell in August.
Did anybody else struggle to get in with etickets? Rather than print them out, I used Google Wallet. It was physically impossible to scan the barcode in a scanner designed for a printed ticket and you couldn't tap in with NFC. Ended up having to open the PDF attachments from the ticket email and zooming/scrolling to get the bar code to a size and position on the phone screen where it would scan. No stewards around to ask for assistance so it took about 2 minutes per ticket and the were four of us. Clearly not everyone without a printed ticket could have had to do that or we'd still be queuing now.