My 10 year old was in absolute floods at the end. Set me off I’ll be honest. My mum had to give me a hug, I’m 41 for Christ sake!! Hugging Alfie I told him he’d get over it really quickly and to be really proud of the lads and what OUR club had achieved this season. Sure enough we fly out on holiday the next morning, wearing one of his reds shirts (packed 2 more). He wants to the world to know he’s a Red! He’s proud and I’m proud of him, he’s been coming with me for years and loves it. But it feels different now, like he gets it. Like the lifetime commitment has been signed and sealed. Days like Monday are needed, as the setbacks and bad periods make the good times what they are. in time, Monday will, in a weird way, be a good thing for all the kids who were upset on Monday. It just makes you want to follow them even more. And when we do have our next day in the sun (it will happen!), every single one of us will have one hell of a party!!
No mate we are was in the Bobby Moore suite, we’ll just to the right of it. What a lovely thing to do, though. Think it shows your class that, well played mate.
Mate, I’m sure my missus knows him! She showed me a photo from Facebook yesterday saying he promised at the start of the season if we got Wednesday in the final he’s fly back home for it. Small world!
Honestly reading this thread alone gets me choked up, really enjoyed reading all your stories and I’ll be sharing them with our Albie when I get home Thankyou all for your replies, despite a terrible result it’s posts like these that get you raring to go again.
Quote//@judith charmers I’ve took my daughter (15) for the last 3 year now and she was in tears at the end, it’s hard to see them like that too It doesn't seem two minutes since me n thee were the same after the ipswich game in 2000 sat in the Rising Sun on Sheffield Road
I think its a tribal/community thing int it? We all get into BFC for that sense of belonging. And when the players themselves (usually not Barnsley blokes) try their best and work their socks off for the fans it really does strike home. Even my daughter (not a football fan) watched the match and was absolutely gutted for them as she saw that they tried hard, were better team for most part and were hard done by with decisions. In short she was upset! Being upset and aggrieved are good recruiting agents!!
I love this thread! For many reasons. It takes me back to when my Dad took me to Oakwell and I'm reminded of the excitement of it all, the thrill of being with all these people with a collective passion for the same thing and the fact that despite never talking to most of them, recognising them on matchday and feeling connected. The smell of woodbines in the Brewery Stand, the noise of the tackles a few yards away, the meaning behind a red and white scarf. I could go on. He's long gone now sadly but my brothers and I, all of whom had the same experience, talked about him in whilst in the Boxpark and said how proud he'd be that his passion is continuing. He never got to see the Reds at Wembley. Aren't we fortunate to have experienced on several occasions in recent times? I'm also reminded of the first few times I took my son to Oakwell desperately hoping that despite being born and living 90 odd miles away, he'd catch the bug too whilst also feeling I had to allow him to make his own choice. And then seeing the wonder on his face and experiencing the joy of knowing he too was totally and utterly emotionally invested. He's 26 tomorrow and whenever he sings "Barnsley 'til I die......" I know he absolutely will be. And I'm excited about introducing grand-children and seeing the same in them too. It's just brilliant isn't it? It felt to me that the very heart of the club was dying under Conway / Lee. I love that it's back and that old 'uns like me are connecting again and the young 'uns are falling in love with it again. P.S. The club should do something to recognise the next generation of fans. Perhaps when they've attended a few games invite them on the pitch before a game or at half time, give them a special scarf (with a unique design perhaps) or shirt or something and give fans the opportunity to welcome them to the family with applause and a round of 'Yoouuuuuu Reeeeeddddds'. It'd make them feel special and deepen their love even more.
Great thread this. My son aged 10 has properly got the buzz this season, he loved the Wembley experience so much so we went on the stadium tour the day after.. would’ve been better had we won the final! He was in tears at full-time but I said ‘the lads have done there all today, nothing to be ashamed of’.. we clapped them off and headed back to the hotel. He can’t wait for the 1st game of the season, hopefully Blackpool away!
I remember how painful it felt back then at 17 years old and how it seemed like the world had ended. I remember our Dad's telling us we would come again and they were right like they usually are. I don't feel the heartbreak this time I just feel immense pride in the way the lads applied themselves and I don't feel like the world has ended.... in fact I think its only just beginning. Come on you reds, it's not how we fall its how we pick ourselves back up again
I got back to the coach and my sister rang me to say how she watched it and was gutted. She was so sick for me but I just felt numb. I'm starting to get a bit of feeling back thanks in part to this thread. Anyway she watched it with my nephew Thomas a Rotherham season ticket holder. He's 11 had his Barnsley supporting mate with him to watch the match. Sarah told me Ben his Dad had to go out in the car looking for him because he stormed out of the house in tears when Wednesday scored. Might have a lifer there if George doesn't take to it.
Not Blackpool please. I was fortunate to be at my sons wedding on the day we played Plymouth away last year. (think he picked the right match lol. partner a teacher so I'll excuse him due to hol situation) Bloomin nuther wedding 1st match, Niece marrying a teacher. In Crete, so same situation. ( you try telling mi mrs we are not going lol. Only joking Alisha (the bride)) Trouble is. On this occasion Alisha is a born and bred Red. He's a fowl grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Not a bad lad though lol. Make it Ipswich away.
I only went to ONE match with work mates to see what they were talking about ,that was 42 years ago and the rest is history.