Fell out of love with Barnsley during Conway and the yanks time, but thinking about getting a season ticket (4) do we think the club will give us a chance to buy early bird again.
Would be wrong to go back to early bird prices, having gone on sale at full price already. There might be something they can do like a 5 or 10 game bundle ticket, for a price that isn't a cheap per game as a season ticket, but cheaper per game than matchday prices. Would get people who can't get to enough games to justify a season ticket (like me) to commit to a certain number of games.
I've got one and dont/can't get to every game but if it helps the club it doesn't bother me,but that's just my opinion.
Might be a good thing to offer a mid term price. Somewhere between early bird to full. For the next couple of weeks. Whilst people are still in the mood so to speak. I'm not sure if the 3 months interest free and the other (6 or 10months with interest I seem to think)is an option)
FYI - I think today is last day for existing season ticket holders to get their seats, so if you look from tomorrow you might find new seats available.
It would be good if something could be done to shift a few more season tickets. I would hazard a guess that nearly two thirds of those that traveled Monday aren’t season ticket holders but, despite losing, felt ‘a part of it’ and could be very tempted to buy or renew. Strike while the iron’s hot and do what you need to do to fill as many seats as possible.
I am of the opinion that you shouldn’t be eligible for discount if you didn’t have a season ticket the season before.
Nah. Season ticket sales drive operating budget for the coming season. It doesn't accumulate. Should be based on how early you buy the ST, not whether you had one last year or not. The money from last year's ST has been spent. It's irrelevant. If I've had a ST 10 years, should I get a bigger discount than someone who's had one for 5? Definitely not.
You are perfectly entitled to that opinion. But my opinion is that the more tickets we sell the more money is available for Duff’s player budget, the more long term fans we get on board for the benefit of the club’s future, and the more support we get, from the stands, to drive us to the top of the league next season. A chance to see us go up as champions which is something very, very few of us will have seen in our lifetime.
Doubt it, we are now at the punishment price stage. How dare anyone want to come and support us next season and only decide now. Obviously true fans commit early and all others should pay extra. Don't like it? Don't come, Barnsley FC don't need extra supporters at all.
We've been here a million times. The Club need money in as early as possible. The only way to do that is to incentivise it. If you don't, you won't. People will just wait until the last minute, which absolutely screws your planning & recruitment. People will say 'waiting to see who we sign' - even though ST revenue is the very thing that plays a big part in who we can sign. The concept of 'Early Bird' pricing applies in pretty much every aspect of global commercial marketing. People are more than welcome to decide at the last minute whether they want to come or not. But there's a cost to that. Way to avoid that is to commit to the Club and buy early.
that's such a shame. genuinely saddens me that there are reds fans who want to go but can't. really hope that turns round for ya.