BETH SEFTON | AN UPDATE Club News As the season draws to a close, we have more news on the health and recovery of our dear friend and colleague. Continue reading on the official site...
Oh dear, not what I was hoping to read. Everything crossed that a place opens up again for her rehabilitation.
Yes, hopefully, something opens up for her very soon. In the meantime, if anyone can afford to donate something to her collection, the link is here: We (London Tykes and ex-London Tykes) had a bit of a pre-Wembley whip round. I also notice Paul Conway has donated.
all good wishes to Beth and her family. (and with respect to Beth lets keep politics away from this thread.)
It’s not a new thing. I had major spinal cord surgery 20 years ago. Fortunately, through work, I was able to access neuro rehab services privately and made good progress after a couple of months, but then my allowance ran out, I went back into the NHS and there my rehab, and recovery, ended. I think I would have been in much a better state for only another few weeks rehab, but my time in hospital was over the Christmas holiday period, so I lost out quite a few days there. Via the NHS I got a home visit, where they formed a plan of action, and that was the last I heard from them. I got a bit of OT, helping me to learn how to write again and with a few fine motor tasks, via another workplace insurance, but I worked for an insurance intermediary at the time, so that was arranged as a favour. It’s a shame Beth isn’t a player, as specialist rehab would be found immediately.
Keep going Beth lass. I’m loathed to criticise the club, the connection has been re-established and it feels like our club again - but given the circumstances and the state the nhs is in, I really think they ought to find some private rehab for her. I know finances are tight and so on but what would the relative cost actually be? A wage contribution for a six month loan signing? Khaled, JAQ, Neerav, James, Jean. This lady has been the lifeblood of the club for years. She’s been so much more than the ‘head of ticketing’ or whatever other nominal title she had. Find a way. Please.
That had actually crossed my mind as well. I'm sure most of us would accept one less Josh Martin, Tedic or Larkeche next season it it meant that Beth's rehab was prioritised.
Yep, I find the club not arranging rehab for Beth quite appalling, to be honest. When we are paying players thousands of pounds per week. It’s always the way though. I spent the last 15 years of my working life in the field of corporate employee benefits/insurance and many clients wanted everything done for senior executives who fell ill, whilst trying to get rid of the lower paid employees, even though they had an Income Protection scheme in place. Used to make me quite angry.
If she was at work when the medical episode happened then surely the clubs insurance should cover any rehab for her.
Not sure about the Club's accountability in this. None of us have any information. You could argue the Club could provide PMB for employees, and hopefully after this they will. But paying for private medical bills without insurance is a different kettle of fish, to be fair. We have no idea how much that is. Could be 5k, could be 500k. We just don't know.
If it was a workplace accident, there might be a case for culpability, but I'm assuming it wasn't. I don't think there's such a thing as 'Club insurance'. Private Medical Benefit covers the individual. I'm assuming Beth either didn't have PMB, or she did but it didn't cover the condition/treatment.
I’m not suggesting the club has any legal obligation to do so or that it would be cheap. I’d suggest it would cost in the tens of thousands at the very least. But I just feel it would be the right thing to do and something a family, community oriented club, like we used to be and appear to be wanting to return to being, would be looking to facilitate. The trouble being I don’t think the whole fan base would be unanimous in being willing to sacrifice a player wage - so I do sympathise with the club. But it should happen, and now.
I think there might be an opportunity to do some proper crowdfunding. The problem is, there would need to be some disclosure about the condition and treatment that's needed. Maybe the family don't want that to be made public. Dunno. I also think it would be totally fair for the Club to put it to the fans, e.g. 'it's going to cost x to provide private medical care. we're prepared to pay that, but the money will need to come from the player budget, and we need your approval to do it'. I'd vote for it in a heartbeat. I don't think it's fair or realistic though, to expect the Club, i.e. the board, to pay medical bills out of their own pocket. There's also a danger that it sets a precedent, if anything similar happened again. Out of all this, I really hope the Club put PMB cover in place for all its employees.