I thought they were going to completely ban home penalties at Oakwell, as last season's trial went so well
Couldn’t ban towels in shorts as the women players would be up in arms over that. Anyway good to see those in charge are getting their priorities right. Diving and cheating will be ignored as usual.
Personally think this is a good thing. Far too much time wasting going on in the game. Wish referees would count how long keepers have the ball in their hands too and give free kicks when they go over. As is the rule. Got ridiculous last season.
No more fun for the ballboys hiding the opposition towels then . Balls placed on cones around the pitch makes me think of PE lessons!
New EFL guidance: How to take a throw in. 1. Leave the field of play approximately 5 yards further forward than where the ball actually went out, then wait until a team mate retrieves the ball and bounces it towards you. 2(a). Fumble the ball and step forward two more yards while struggling to control it. Alternatively, 2(b) if team mate has rolled or kicked the ball to you, let it bounce off your shin. Walk two yards down the line. 3. Pick up the ball, hold above head, then walk forward three or four yards while assessing your options. 4. Move forward ten more yards by employing the stutter technique - if it helps, repeat the following mantra, "I'm throwing it.. I'm not throwing it... I'm throwing it... I'm not throwing it". 5. Shrug at your teammates and pull a "who wants it" face. Take two more yards. 6. You've done your best. Time to let someone else take the throw. Shout for your wingback to take it. When he gets close enough kick the ball at his shins. 7. Repeat steps 3 to 7 until ball is far enough up the pitch for your long throw specialist to get involved, or until rumbled by the referee, whichever comes first.
I was wondering if that rule had changed and I’d just missed it. Its supposed to be 6 seconds I think?
What ever happened to the rule that refs could move free kicks forward if the defending team tried to delay it being taken quickly ?
6 seconds in his hands mate. Once he has control. I'm guessing that maddening thing where the goalie goes to ground is not included. Or Collins and Adam Davies (who was the master at it) would be booked every game.
JAQ's hint at our kit being a bit 'out there' ......... it's gonna be a towelling shirt innit? Girl's not thick.
WIsh they would have said instant yellow card for any player that picks up the ball and walks off with it after a free kick or throw is awarded. No different than kicking the ball away, one of my pet hates.
I think they are both good ideas , there is far too much time taken out of the game, personally I would like to see a 6 second rule to take a throw & if it is not taken then it goes to the opposition , that might stop some of the the blatant time wasting .
Translation: Although there are rules clearly addressing the issue of time wasting, our referees have for a number of years now failed to apply these rules leading to the ball being out of play for an unacceptable length of time. We considered telling our referees to enforce the existing rules but after giving the matter some thought we came to the realisation that our referees are simply unwilling to enforce these rules for reasons we do not know and therefore we have ultimately decided that putting footballs on top of traffic cones is the best way to prevent time wasting. We realise that this will lead to more time wasting when players 'accidentally' knock the ball off the cone and when we regularly end up with two balls on the pitch but rest assured our referees will not punish this either. Ps, we think it will be funny on windy days