What a set of sub human self serving scumbag selfish greedy low life scum. Why in gods name are people like him, and probably the cow pat piece of **** truss next year, allowed to dish out "honours" to their ingratiating slimeball colleagues? Their putrefying stink is a stain on the human race. Apologies if this subject is on another thread. I've just heard the news and had to vent my spleen somewhere quickly.
Not really, she is in the Lords till the day she dies so there is every chance she'll be on the telly talking ballox in 20 years time...
It always struck me that Tony Blair passed the Freedom of Information Act and made sure that an automatic exemption (so we can never found out) was the process that decides on Honours. Apparently they are discussed first before they are announced and aren't automatically granted if a politician puts someone forward. Hence you can ask the Police, Secret Services etc what they know about you (they do have get outs but not an automatic exemption) but there is no route to find out why the people who are appointed to the house of Lords and become engaged in the legislative process that governs us all, got themselves into that position. Boris and his mate "Lord" Lebedev (WTAF) was one of the worst, but what did we expect?? unfortunately one in a long line. Not the preserve of any particular party either: "Blair’s ‘cash-for-honours’ scandal In 2006, Tony Blair became the first prime minister to be questioned by police as part of a political corruption inquiry that would drag on for 16 months, and overshadow the last days of his premiership. An investigation was launched after SNP MP Angus MacNeil complained that four wealthy businessmen were nominated by Tony Blair for peerages after lending the party a total of £5m. All four of the peerages were blocked by the House of Lords appointments commission, and MacNeil’s complaint launched a police investigation into whether laws banning the sale of honours had been broken. The police inquiries would lead to 136 people being interviewed, according to the BBC, and Blair himself would be questioned three times, although not under caution and “as a witness rather than a suspect”. Labour’s chief fundraiser Lord Levy – nicknamed “Lord Cashpoint” by the tabloid press – was arrested twice on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. In 2007, the police would hand a 216-page report on the scandal to the Crown Prosecution Service – which later announced it had insufficient evidence to bring charges against anyone." Seem to recall Harold Wilson getting mired in something similar.
Sounds like Sunak blocked it so he wouldn’t have the bi-election. So she resigned so he has to have it anyway!
Or she’s resigned so he can resign and stand in her seat. His resignation would nullify the recall that the inquiry may trigger and her seat is as safe as houses so he’d get back in (whereas he probably wouldn’t in his own seat).
Well she did originally say she was resigning so someone younger could take here place and Bozo is 8 years younger than she is Someone made her change her tweet though so it doesnt say younger anymore so I dont know who is being lined up
If there was ever an example of self serving corrupt two hats then this has to be it. A knighthood for Fabric*nt and Rees-Bog really does tell you everything you need to know about this government and the lying charlatan that is Johnson. This country is rotten to the core
As I've said before. A bullet to the head has always been the best thing for him. The horrible corrupt, racist, wife beating, adulterous, homophobic ciint