It's the way of the world mate. I personally for example don't think all politicians are corrupt. But I do hate what some stand for. Obviously Tories. All walks of life get tarred with the same brush. Eg During the troubles in ireland. All were terrorists. All coppers are bent. It's pretty obvious neither of those were/are true. And it must be a cross to bear for those good people to stomach. Even had it said to me by those not in a union especially. Not knowing I was a rep. All the union reps are in it for themselves. But when I pointed out that's not the case. It appeared it was all down to not wanting to pay dues. As they don't need us. Except crying out for help when needed. Fekked me right off. Some, if not the vast majority have never needed representation personally. But know full well the unions will do their utmost to get the best outcomes if needed. Be it on a personal issue or collective bargaining. Eg Wages and T's n C's. Of course there are rogues in all walks of life. Even In those with the utmost respect of joe public. should interest those on here who thInk the Labour Party are offering an alternative. Hardest Brexit possible. Vote Leave. Yeah sign us up