We import electric from Norway is madness in it's self. I wonder how Norway can generate enough to export. Can it be that as a nation they own everything they create from the north sea instead of selling it off to their mates in the multi nationals.Thanks Maggi and her offsprings.
We will also have to import coal for it. A sobering thought. Wtf do we actually own as a nation. 2018 but a good read. https://neweconomics.opendemocracy.net/who-owns-britain/
Thats correct mate, but, Norway has a very big sovereign fund from their North sea revenue that they use to invest in green projects, we gave ours away.
And I'm an expert on one of the main reasons why Brush. Total mismanagement. Customers to put right. With increased Bill's.
As Ade said ...hydro electric. Building dams etc is much easier given Norways's land mass is 323,802 sq km compared to UK 243,610 sq km, combined with their population being 5.6 million people (62.2 million more people live in United Kingdom). For once ,don't blame Thatcher. She may be single handedly responsible for many of the UK's problems today but it started long before her. Since WW2 both Governments and businesses in the UK have had the self-destructive tendency to sell off everything we once owned outright to multi-nationals or venture capitalists including, worryingly, national security sensitive infrastructure, manufacturing in heavy industries and natural resources . In fact going back much further we have always been 'short termist'.... We built canals then railways came along so we abandoned most canals. We built electric trams and trolley buses in urban areas. Then cars and lorries came along so we stopped investing in rail and then Beeching slashed the network, Trolleybuses and trams were scrapped and the overhead lines were removed and tracks tarmac'ed over. Now, fuel costs, pollution and traffic congestion mean cars are being replaced in major cities like Sheffield, Manchester etc where they once existed with ...ahem...electric trams at huge expense per mile (no idea why they dont put some trolleybus networks in given they can be built far cheaper and with less disruption since you don't need to dig up roads) Also Electric buses need to be charged, haul around heavy batteries whereas trolleybuses only need an electric motor and get their power from overhead cables. Compare all that with Europe, many towns still have canals, comprehensive rail networks serving small towns, modern trams running on the original tracks laid down decades ago. UK always seem to throw the baby out with the bathwater. As soon as something is perceived to be uneconomic in the short term compared to the latest and greatest they rush headlong into it. ( I'll not even start on the latest fad to replace all ICE cars with EVs when there isn't a hope in hell of getting the required infrastructure in place within that time frame).