It's from 10 years ago, but if you go to the last page in the thread, the last response is at 8:30 am this morning. Someone brought it back up to the top of the BBS, and I can totally see why. If you don't know how the BBS orders posts, the threads with the latest response come to the top, and this thread should still be on the first page, but it's not. It was when I got up this morning, but I bet most people didn't see it because it quickly went away. Maybe it's an anomaly. I don't want to accuse anyone of censorship, so if it is an anomaly, can someone look into it please, so it's back in the order it should be. I'm just concerned there might be technical difficulties with the BBS, so if you fix this post it should be right for all others.
Are you sure you didn't somehow look at the archive this morning where it was at the top? The archive is essentially a separate forum to this like the VPN one is and the memories one is and bumping a thread in any of the individual forums moves that thread to the top of that forum, it doesn't move it from one forum to another. I've just tested the archive be replying to a random thread and it did just that, it bumped it to the top of the archive but didn't move it over to this forum.
Look when the last post in the thread was made. Today 8:30 am Edit *apologies @SuperTyke, didn't read your post properly but how do I get to the archive?*
Tested your theory, and possibly, but it took me 5 minutes to find the archive, so I'm not sure I would have inadvertently navigated to it, and why would Dyson have also accidently gone on to the archive and answered the exact same thread that I inadvertently bumped in to?
Not a clue to be honest. I suspect that Dyson searched for it on purpose but how you got there I've no idea. I have a few times pressed SOMETHING on here (no idea what) and ended up viewing one of the other random forums by accident though so it's possible you could have done whatever I have a few times and gone there. Or it's probably more likely that it did indeed somehow jump to this forum. Either on purpose and admin have since changed it to send it back or possibly it somehow glitches and temporarily appeared here? Not a clue really. The archive baffles me at times because I've never been able to properly search it even though I know it contains things that I've wanted to find.
I now know what happened. Early this morning Tykeofthetown went looking for this thread and by responding, thought he'd bumped it. But he didn't. As you have illustrated, if you respond to a thread in archive, it stays in archive, it doesn't come to the main BBS. However, when Dyson logged in this morning, he got an alert. He got an alert because 10 years ago he responded to that thread. And you get an alert if there's a new response to a thread that you have responded to. He clicked the link in the alert which took him to that thread and he responded again. A few minutes later, I logged into the BBS. I got an alert, because 10 years earlier I'd responded to that thread. It wasn't on the main forum this morning, it was in our alerts. Thank you, I wouldn't have worked that out if you hadn't responded, and I've spent the last few hours thinking I'd gone mental.