Hard to say on this one. A big, muscular centre forward target man, who would be a sound permanent replacement for Tedic, for sure, and probably more effective. He would learn well from Norwood and I could see them being like for like substitutes, given that their styles are similar. I wouldn't be displeased with this one, who has experience at League One level already with signs of development already at Accrington. Nice to have a permanent to replace a loan and I think he would learn a lot from Norwood.
Thanks for remembering, BMW. Well, it's better than it might have been. I didn't need to go into ICU after the operation and I didn't need a blood transfusion, both of which I was told I probably would need. It's slow progress, but then it would be minus one kidney (amazing how many folks now let you know they've only had one for years). I was told three months before any sort of normality and six months to be fully fit again, so i reckon it will be September before I am walking ten miles again, or doing the weekly gym circuit. However, it all looks to be going okay. My debriefing the the consultant at Southmead will be in early July and by telephone, which I also interpret as a positive. If there had been anything more sinister, I am sure they who have whipped me back in pronto. So, 'I get knocked down, but I get up again' (good title for someone's book!) is the order of the day and I am, but slowly, getting back up again. You know us from tarn (well it was one of the pit villages) - we get our knocks and take them and fight on another day. Forget all this 'Spectemur Agendo' stuff, 'I get knocked down again' should be on the club badge for sure. Thanks for asking. It really is appreciated, mate.