A few weeks ago I vaguely remember seeing something on local social media about a walk-in skin cancer clinic in Barnsley. I was away at the time so couldn't drop in. Now I'm back I'd like to go, but I can't find any info on it despite frantic googling. I know I could speak to my GP but don't want to take up their time if I can just pop in somewhere. Does anyone on here have any info which may help. Thank you.
Get down to the Doctors let them see if you are wasting their time. You won't be btw they are there to address any concerns you have. And I say that as My mrs went 1st thing when the surgery opened (a few weeks ago) Got a telephone appointment that day. then a visit the next day. Hospital visit within a week. Result at the same visit. Thankfully clear. I attempted to arrange an appointment for her the day b4. At the surgery. As she couldn't get through on the phone. Was given an appointment for her 2 weeks later. Thought sod that. Took their advice for her to rock up next morning.
Ring your doctor, tell the receptionist you're worried it might be skin cancer and you'll get an appointment sharpish. The doc will probably take pics with an attachment to his/her iPhone and you'll have an appointment with a specialist within a fortnight if they think it necessary. Whatever else you do, don't procrastinate.
Get yourself to the doctor. Worst case scenario if you don’t go: you don’t start life-saving treatment in time. Worst case scenario if you go and it’s nothing: the doctor spends 10 minutes of their day talking to you and is happy that they could give someone good news. Which worst case do you want?
Thanks all, valuable advice. By coincidence I've an appointment tomorrow for an unrelated matter, so I'll ask advice and make a further appointment at the same time. Thanks for the motivation!!!
Skin health clinics? So that’s what they are called now. It was the VD clinic here where all who entered wore a paper bag on their head.