I am a long time subscriber. It covers a lot of stories which the Tory press would prefer that we didn't know about.
Not a regular reader but I always pick up the latest copy in the airport when I’m going away. It’s my go to when having a bit of poolside or balcony downtime.
Me too! Plenty to read and keep me occupied for a two and a half hour flight and beyond! I started reading it when Barnsley College where I worked at the time was heavily featured carrying a regular column called 'Eade-icts' based on the name of the Chief executive at the time who was accused of a £1m fraud but avoided prosecution due to 'ill health'. He left another conspirator to carry the can and who was jailed. I privately labelled him as 'dodgy Dave' and quite a few of my fellow minions had the same opinion. Unfortunately he surrounded himself with 'yes' people and some of the hierarchy idolised him and thought he could do no wrong. He did turn the college around but had an attitude of self entitlement that led to his ultimate downfall. I once in a large 'all staff' meeting asked him during Q&A at the end if he would comment regarding the accusations in the Guardian and Private Eye which clearly hit a nerve. He blustered and went into rant mode starting with ..." I am sick and tired f all those who....blah, blah. blah. One or two of his acolytes looked daggers at me but I did not give a sh*t as, although I did like the job, the money was rubbish and working conditions were deteriorating. A lot of the stuff our department did was 'above and beyond' and done out of goodwill (even involving things like unpaid all night sessions) He tried to make these activities mandatory resulting in us just stopping doing them. Some things are fun and enjoyable up to the moment when you are told you must do them even when they are way outside your job description and especially when others then take all the credit without lifting a finger to help.
This is true. He’s earning a fortune off the back of all this doing speaking engagements. Blows my mind that someone would pay a fortune to have him speak at their event or dinner. The guy can barely string a sentence together. Eton education eh?