Sunday papers with all the added sections used to be a right ballache. Used to have to carry them up a steep hill... pretty sure thats why I have a glass back 30 odd years later!
Yep as I've said Fridays, normal days papers plus Chronicle so double then Sunday with all magazine's. All for £7 a week and that was split over two days.
People often say why have you got a bad back and I always tell them it's down to my days when I was a paperboy I add, in those days I had to delliver across 3 fields .Huddersfield Sheffield and Wakefield
My late Dad used to open it on page 2 to check if he was good for another few days! My Mum still reads it avidly to see if she knows any of the names listed. It's always the back two pages with me!
I always take a Yorkshire Post on a Saturday. Years ago I thought it was an arch Tory paper but it does seem to have changed and is more nuanced these days.
There’s a brilliant BFC retro Facebook page. Lots of old article & photos, from Chron, Morning Telegraph etc..
Yes, I suspect they've pissed off their long-time Tory audience in North Yorkshire, but it's all the better for it.
At one point I had morning and evening paper rounds plus I went out delivering quarts of Ben Shaws pop Friday nights and Sat/Sun mornings with a farmer from Thurgoland who did that as a sideline. Went beating a couple of times as well on his shoots. I think I had time for school as well.
Are you saying they don't.? Dam, I've wasted my money on deed poll fees. Signed Zak Zucchini (Just seen I've been beaten to this joke).
I’ve got to say that it was mainly full of disappointment, but the days when something happened made up for it. The coming of Clarkie being the best, closely followed by Glavin, Hunter and Wilson. Nowadays you know before it’s happened. Shame!