Left Sky after 33 years! Didn't see that one coming - always be remembered for the Augero moment amongst others.
Weirdly feels like a death when he's not dead. Really sad news. The best there is. His Aguero commentary is the club version of there think it's all over, it is now. They should go and get Clive Tyldesley who shouldn't have lost his number 1 position on ITV to Sam Matterface. He's probably going because they expect him to take a pay cut like these who might also be leaving...... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/f...-reporting-team-brutal-cost-cutting-move.html
Fantastic commentator over the years and probably a couple of seasons overdue in all fairness. Legend
ITV promoting that clown Sam bloody Matterface over Tyldesley was the worst decision a broadcaster has made since the BBC let Jimmy Saville film a kids show. He is absolutely awful. Detest his commentary with a passion. I genuinely turn the sound off if a game is only available on itv. I’m even glad ch4 have the England qualifiers - and they are hardly great.
Glad I'm not the only one that thinks Matterface is an utter embarrassment. Some of the stuff he comes out with is ridiculous, it's like he doesn't think before he opens his mouth. Really surprised ITV have kept him going.
Good, cannot stand his commentaries, he waffles on about everything and anything apart from the actual match.
Peter Drury signed up to Sky as his replacement. 'Commentator Peter Drury to join Sky Sports from 2023/24 season' http://www.skysports.com/share/12904739
I had this book as a kid. Had all teams kits / stats /history / contact details etc. One Saturday, with a bit of weather in the air I asked my Dad if he'd ring to see if the game was on (I'd been caught out a couple of weeks earlier and my marathon bus and train trip resulted in me getting to Oakwell to find the game had been called off). My Dad rang - can't remember the outcome but the voice on the phone bellowed "How did you get this number?" "It's in Martin Tyler's book ......." said me Dad. "Well this is Alan Clarke, I'll be having words with young Martin"