Just downloaded the app, some great bands on and some great band names: "Scarborough Warning" ...lmao.
Really enjoyed it, went out in the afternoon and have never seen so many people out before! Everyone behaving and enjoying themselves, brilliant for local businesses.
Absolutely gutted I couldn’t make it, first time I’ve missed it (Including its predecessor) wife got a bad migraine. Glad it was a big success again
I don't know any of the bands who were in barnsley yesterday and have no real interest in them but it was nice weather so I went into town because there was something on. Is that a bad thing suddenly? Why do you want to gatekeep your music?
Was a great day for the town. The work they've done in the town centre is phenomenal and if they do the extra work that they say they're going to do we could very well have one of the most welcoming and vibrant town centres in the whole of England and I'm not exaggerating with that. The glass works looks amazing, the town square is so welcoming. The carparks are better than you'll see anywhere else (yes I know they're only carparks but it's true), the cinema right in the centre is fantastic, the restaurants and bars surrounding the square are brilliant. That bridge that we all mock actually looks stunning and the width of it will revolutionise matchdays for fans. The library I suspect will change its use quite a bit in the coming years and be a great function space. The work being done on the frontage of many buildings on Eldon street will really make the area look classy. Wellington Street is nothing like it was 20 years ago. It's no longer a dive, it has high quality clubs that attract the right kind of people and welcome everyone. Throw in the new youth zone and another public area when the former BHS building goes and honestly I think we will have a town centre that the rest of England is envious of. I know that my friends from Rotherham Donny and Sheffield are already envious of what we've created in the last few years. I've just realised that this post focuses entirely on the physical things so need to end by saying that they would be nothing without the people and the people of barnsley are second to none. The town square has hosted some fantastic days so far and none of them would be possible without the people behind them or the public supporting them. Something we do better than anyone and something that will only grow and grow. It's just so good to see the town being used
"Invisible Grease" were on at the Opium bar. Their name chosen from Kes when Billy Casper is reading the Dandy and Desperate Dan's adversary is using " Invisible Greearse, the dirty twister"
WTF, I’m not gatekeeping anything, I simply moaned about those that moan about the bands/music and don’t give a **** about the event itself. Tarn doesn’t get rammed full like that during the sunniest of weekends , except perhaps on a Bank Holiday. I simply like to see and hear the bands not people feking moaning about them.
Flat Moon and Orange Vaudeville Society were two of my favourites; and of course, a good old foot tapping to Shades of Quo.