Still the same amount of money to spend and goods to sell Why make the chance to have family time even more difficult for no real gain?
The difference is there's a big difference between trying to significantly restock shelves with and without customers. Without customers, we could drag entire pallets onto the shop floors and restock en-masse, impossible with customers there and necessary for the big refill before a new week started on Monday. As for night staff, they got paid more. I wouldn't advise it because it's known to have a negative effect on health, but sometimes needs must. Edit: to take my time at Morrisons as an example, if you pushed Sunday opening back to an 8pm close, the staff would've been made to work until midnight. Everything would have moved back 4 hours.
Exactly, so you have to ask who wants it and is it worth it and who benefits. If we take the OP as case in point, he wants extended opening times on a Sunday and is currently waiting for delivery of his online shop. I don't even know where to start with that.
Scrap Sunday shopping altogether plenty tine in week now to do shopping then go back to shops shutting for 3 days at xmas time n n close new years day
This pi55es me off. Retired people clogging up the aisles and tills on a Saturday and Sunday when they've all week to do their feckin shopping.
Dragontyke has obviously taken up fishing in his retirement and appears to be getting lots of bites.....
I worked at Morrisons at Cortonwood from 1998-2000 as a 16-18 year old whilst doing my A levels. 5pm until 10:30 Friday night 6am to 6pm Saturday 7am until 4:30pm Sunday. It meant I never saw the post Premier League season or the season after that except the odd midweek game. For me, supermarkets will be gone in the next 20 years anyway being replaced by giant semi-automated warehouses and the majority of shopping will be done on line with the exception of small “local” shops where you get things you forgot to order. The sooner the better in my opinion.
What time are the shops open til in the week? When I was back in March , went to Leeds on a Tuesday and most places seemed to be closed by 6pm
That depends on where you are. Meadowhall shops open until 8 Mon-Sat except in the run up to Christmas.
Our supermarkets open 24/7. But the drinks aisle closes at 10pm. I think it opens again 10am. Can’t understand that one as I could just go to the pub and drink to 12 and buy a carry out from the bar.
While I sympathise with the retail workers - my daughter currently works for Tesco at weekends - the thought that opening longer hours on Sunday would mean retail workers doing longer hours seems a bit regressive. Yes, some could choose to work extra hours, but in reality, Tesco could just as easily hire 2 people (8-4, 2-10 for example) like they do for the rest of the week as have 1 person do more. It could result in more employed people, particularly those who can't work regular hours for other reasons.
As a retired person I agree with this 100%, we've found that Tuesday mornings are brilliant for us usually quiet, in and out in 30mins. Job done.