.. when it comes to morals an ethics they are going to have to hire in a contractor with a JCB to dig a blood deep trench.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65941549 It is as if they are competing with Putin to see how low they can go as each revelation regarding their lack of morality compassion ethics and scruples plumbs the depths. I am not getting into the rights and wrongs of 'lockdown' as it is a grey area given there are many who were in favour and many who despise it mostly based on how it affected them and people they knew. Whilst this is all a costly distraction when Govt should be focused on Cost of living and many other issues this sort of behaviour cannot go unpunished. It is staggering that Met investigations failed to punish all but a few minor players in this debacle. Everyone of those in paid Govt/Party employment in that picture should now be sacked or at the very least, like all of the rest , face very heavy fines. If some of the comments attributed to them are true then they clearly knew what they were doing was wrong and actually illegal. Yet, another example of over developed sense of self-entitlement and total lack of empathy for the rest of the population who adhered to the rules. All this on top of Boris' deplorable Honours list and Truss being in the position to claim all the benefits of ex-PM status after the debacle of her 'reign'.
This lot make Thatcher look like a saint' since Johnson took office' corruption dishonesty and sleaze has become normalised within the conservative party hence so many of them maintaning that Boris did nothing wrong although the overwhelming evidence says different' politics in the UK is well and truly in the gutter' they are an absolute embarrassment.
The more that comes out the more hate I have in me for the Tories and the more I despise the lockdown restrictions that they put in place knowing full well that they were not needed
If that was a photo of trouble in the Ponty end the police would use it to identify everyone and prosecute them..then the club would ban them for life.. Instead 2 of these recieved awards in the Honours list...ya couldn't make it up..
How anyone with an ounce of self- respect, can either defend or even vote for this corrupt, lying, incompetent Tory Party beggars belief, but they can and do
Why has it taken this long to be published; This video should have been in the public realm in December 2020?
God we need shut of this shower. I mean Labour don’t offer much difference in terms of policy but at least they have a modicum of respect for people.
Because at least one major news organization that publishes a daily paper that is still very unpopular in Liverpool also held a party in their offices on the same week, and current/former staff from the current best selling newspaper were in attendance at various parties (and the biggest free paper is owned by DMG group, so wouldn't want to bring a plague on their own house). And also, the four major newspaper groups received an undisclosed (>£35m) amount of Covid support from the government.