Read is statement regarding Martin leaving and being unable to say anything due to complicities with the deal.It shows a little insight into what goes off and why the fans haven't been kept in the loop.I imagine its the same for Barnsley and other clubs in this situation. Woodman is Swansea chairman by the way.
Andy Coleman is chairman, Andy Woodman is manager for Bromley Fc. Looks like from his statement whoever is going in is bringing staff with them, so if Duff could mean Paterson too.
That's a great statement. End of the day they have lost a manager to a bigger club and poached a manager from a smaller one. They are in the same position as us (and 80%) of clubs. We did this to Cheltenham and wouldn't be surprised if we do the same again. Yes it's very frustrating, yes we are entitled to feel let down by Duff, yes we will probably lose Connell and Andersen. But that's the pecking order. Bruv in law a big Argyle fan and 2 of their key players jumped ship to other champ teams despite promotion. Modern football I'm afraid. Be loud be proud look forward to seeing when we are at Carlisle and Stevenage at 9am tomorrow. It's our club. You redzzzzz.....
"and it was important that we stood firm on the issue of compensation to ensure that we weren’t settling for less than we deserved and were entitled to contractually" Unless there is a set figure, or they are trying to weasel out of that figure we should throw that in his face
The trouble was, there were two set figures in Martin’s contract. One for premier league clubs and one for championship. The dispute is about Southampton’s status when they first made an approach vs their status now.
Understand the complexities of that deal but my point still stands, play hardball and get every penny we can.
Same goes for Connell. He's on a long contract so let them keep coming back with improved offers. West Ham keep turning down £80m+ for Declan Rice and have told Arsenal they want £100m. We should do same with Connell ( Apart from the 100m bit lol)
Don’t really understand what Swansea’s issue with Southhampton would stop Barnsley keeping its fans informed of what’s going on unless of course they are trying to soft ball us but even then I think that should be called out just as Swansea are. (I don’t think for a min Swansea are though tbh)
I wholeheartedly agree with this approach, but unfortunately it will probably go the usual way: Coleman: 'we're thinking £1.75m for your boy Connell' BFC: '2?' Coleman: 'done' BFC: 'let's keep it undisclosed.'
Regardless of any complexities, IMO there isn’t a single thing that should have stopped Barnsley Football Club informing the fans that Swansea had been given permission to speak to Michael Duff. Unless there are now even clauses in contracts preventing Clubs from speaking to its own fans.
Sorry for the errors it was past my bedtime. Read his statement. Complexities Coleman. Memo to myself,don't post after 21hours or the BBS bobbies will be after you.