Utterly pathetic some of the stuff I’ve seen on here and social media. People talking about refunds for season tickets? Why? The season ticket is for Barnsley FC, not Michael Duff FC. People having a pop at the Club. They can’t chain him to the dug out and they offered him an improved deal so no fault there. People having a pop at Duff for his previous comments. Would you have been happier if he had said “I’m enjoying my time at Barnsley but will be off when a better offer comes up” Do you have a go at people at your place at work if they announce they are moving somewhere else with better pay and closer to home because they are not being “loyal”. I thought Barnsley people were known for their resilience and getting on with it through hard times. This is how football works, didn’t see any sympathy for Cheltenham when we took Duff off them. I would have loved to see Duff here for longer but we have to be realistic. My son has taken the news better than some people and he's 9. Put your dummies away, get your big boy pants on and look forward to the next chapter.
While I don't entirely disagree with the view you're putting forward, I think some supporters have just been ground down. It's the same every single season, we either employ someone useless and they're sacked and we're relegated, or we employ someone competent and we don't/can't do enough to keep them - same with players. Yes, that is how we operate as a club and everyone should be used to it by now - but it doesn't make it any easier, and there's no noises at all from the club on how they plan to change/improve this.
Great post, but I reckon 'babies' would have been better than 'fannies', especially with the closing reference to our dummies. As we like to say on the BBS, "you're Roy Keane & I claim my £5"
I tried to stop myself but I couldn't help reading page after page on "that" thread. I didn't want to and I felt stupid for wasting my time. As you say, when did the Barnsley fans as a collective become like this? I know that there were plenty of sensible, pragmatic posts during the last week but these were far outnumbered by the whining and frankly insulting ones aimed at our outgoing coach. I am sorry he has gone, but that's it. Nobody can stop him if he wants to move on. Maybe he should have chosen his words better, as he did throughout the season, but that's where it ends for me. I've read this book, enjoyed it and put it down again. Onto the next one....
That's exactly what happened to me, after 55 years. That's what Conway did to me, he permanently extinguished the fire.
Empathy is a powerful weapon. I don't agree with a lot of what has been said, or feel it myself, but I understand the reasons why. Being a football fan is about passion, loyalty, lifelong devotion. It's what makes being a football fan so important to people. We all feel that, and football clubs depend on it. It's unfair to then expect people to just be able to switch all that off. I remember feeling utterly betrayed when Heckingbottom left. I emotionally invested everything I had into everything he said. Then three days after signing a contract, he left. For Leeds. That flicked a switch in me, and totally changed the way I now feel about players and managers. Ultimately it was a good thing for me personally. I also remember returning my season ticket when Don Rowing ballsed up the Liverpool FA Cup tickets. I felt utterly unvalued as a season ticket holder, so I told them they could have it back. It took a calming phone call from Gordon Shepherd, to make me change my mind. So I'm not gonna judge people too much, for reacting emotionally to all this. It's a big deal, and once upon a time I might have reacted the same way. I wasn't ar$ed about Ismael leaving, and I'm not ar$ed about Duff leaving. What I am ar$ed about, is how Barnsley Football Club now react.
I get what you’re saying but here’s what’s upset me. we go to Wembley after a thoroughly enjoyable season, only for it to end in devastating fashion. However, even though we lost I felt happy about the future. For the first time in years it felt like the club had the right foundations to come back next season and blast it. So a day after Wembley I was excited to go again. After this it sort of feels like nothing at all has changed and it’s business as usual for BFC. I understand it happens, but when it happens every single season it really starts to kick the living day lights out of you and leaves you questioning “what is the point?” I think the club need to be ambitious, not in terms of big investment but actually holding their nerve and planning correctly instead of leaving things for other clubs to make a move because we’ve left ourselves wide open, and at the last mi Ute start offering contracts when at that stage it’s of no interest. Get in there early, make a proper move. It’s just so frustrating being torn apart year in, year out.
Media team, club toadies alert !!!!. not a way to rally the troops and to get folk back on side But do carry on..
I'm not part of the media team or a Club toadie, just a fan getting it off my chest about hysterical drama Queens.
That's fine but are folk not allowed to be p155ed off? you are are pi55ed off with folk being p155ed off, no? BTW, I'm really really p155ed off but I'll be there next season.
You'd be better off responding to individual posts rather than slagging the entire fan base off and becoming a bit of a drama queen yourself. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and it's different views that make life entertaining.
presume you are one of our younger members, cos it’s always been thus as far as I can remember ( mid 60’s onwards). Don’t want to go up, not interested, can’t afford to go up, I’ve done etc
I'm 43 and been going to Oakwell since 1990. Heard all this before but not on such a wide scale, I guess you see and hear it more cause of social media and message boards.
Agree totally with this. Also it means once again were gonna be behind the 8 ball for the start of the season, not 100% ready to hit the ground running, especially when you factor in the 2 players we always buy thats not 'match fit' due to not training or summat. Points mean as much in August as they do in April and i feel its October before were up and ready.
social media and the fact its happened far too often recently, I think this time folk are entitled to vent. Plus Duff is already spouting the same ***** he gave us!
You are right ,but on the othet hand the fans have spoken with hard earned cash but we never get the full facts or the truth from the boards spokesperson who i imagine is Khaled. So i think it is now time for some honest statements from him. I mean he promised some exciting news over a month ago. Or is this it we lose our manager again.. straight talking please Khaled