I’m not sure it’s right to have a go at a full fan base just because they take a different view to you on how events have unfolded. I’m angry at this situation and I make no apology for that. I’m not angry with the club, I won’t withdraw support, but I feel justified at my annoyance with Michael Duff. Here are my thoughts I added to another thread if you missed it:
Incompetence relies on blind loyalty/faith. Don't question us, just support the team. Kind of mental thinking that got 65k killed at the Somme.
Not sure if supporting a football team and running into a certain death are the same thing. Pretty disrespectful to compare the two really.
Entire fan base mentioned twice. The op never mentioned entire fan base. Some means exactly that. and points the finger at those responsible for said comments. Might be 5 might be 500 but not entire.
**** tactics and an inability to adapt were they problems at the Somme, not a manager sodding off to another team.
The simple answer to the opening question is....when we get regularly shafted by repeated Owners/ Managers / CEO's and players......