I'd not be against Disco, if selected, but think him & Bobby helping the likes of Jalo gradually into a first team role with a new incumbent might work better?
I don't think you can judge him by that, the team and squad at the time had just been relegated and were beyond awful.
Sat behind the dugouts most of last season and Disco was definitely Long-Haul's enforcer in the technical area. In the 4th official's ear, arguing with the away coaching staff....
So long as the rest of our existing coaching team remains in place I don’t really care about Patterson.
To be fair to the lad ,all the loan players Bassi etc were sent back, he was having to pick the young lads to get a squad together.
Can't pin any of the disappointment of his 3 game spell last year on Disco. The club was in a mess. His public reaction was promising in that he was very clear it wasn't good enough. I'd love to see Devaney be given a go. Who knows if he'd want it though.
It wouldn't surprise me if he got the job. He's worked his way up through the club, managed both under-18s and 23s, and now part of the first team set-up, so he must be well thought of.
Although as Hecky once pointed out, if he got the gig, the clock would start ticking on his departure from the Club. A failure as Barnsley manager would also be a blot on his legend status.
Legend Really.. ? Never heard that said before. In what sense is he a legend..Not a bad player, not great, in fact could name a hundred better player's in the last twenty years easily. Coach ok, not great. Someone who as done as well out of the club as he's put in I'd say. More a part player than legend. If he got the job meh.
I think that's really harsh tbh. He's been a fantastic servant to the Club. Settled here, laid roots, stayed connected with the Club at most levels, done huge amounts for the youth setup. He's become a genuine part of the Club and Community. Not quite Bobby levels, but not far off IMO.
I can see some sense in this, but the board should have learned from a year ago when they appointed someone with a good track record within League One and who already knew the league well and had succeeded in it. His contacts also enabled us to pick up one or two key quality players to fill positions of ned. It was the best possible appointment and so it turned out. If we are looking for someone with a good track record in League One and who already knows it well this time round and has contacts within the leagues, the stand-out candidate is Darren Moore. I can see the sense in appointing Devaney and it might not be a bad shout, but Moore succeeded last season under huge pressure of expectation and our levels of expectation will also be higher going into this season. He scrapped out results home and away and the points record speaks for itself. He would be number one for me and by some distance. Devaney would allow continuity and I am guessing that he already has a good rapport with the players, but he would need to add one other to the first team coaching staff and I think the club would be better served by his continuing in his present role under a new coach. It was Duff last season and a great appointment. Moore this season would be similar for me - another sound and pragmatic choice to move us forwards again. Worst choice? Some unheard of continental coach from eg Sweden who doesn't know League One and who sinks almost as soon as appointed. Surely we have already learned that lesson.
I agree pal, he is nothing near to being legend, decent player but in my mind unproven beyond that, lives in area fair enough but so I do lol
Not calling the man out for owt, but legend, for what. Having the best beard trim. I think some words are branded about way too easily. Is Tom Harban a legend.. he's been around oakwell a fair while now. If Disco gets the job, then takes us up .. respect. Then takes us up again he would have earned his legend status.
ED .. this isn't a Martin Devaney pile on.. far from it. Just an objection to him being called a legend. When I just don't see it
Part of me would love Devaney to get the job but a bigger part hopes it doesn't happen. I don't want people who have been loyal servants being subjected to vitriol when things either go wrong or they get the chance to move on. It's the same reason I've never wanted Redfearn, McCarthy and their like to be offered the job. Flip side of this of course is that it means we only ever appoint people with no connection to the club or town and the mercenary outlook persists. Good job the decision ain't down to me.
Definitely not a legend .without question. Good servant of the club ?, maybe ,he as been paid for his services. So not a volunteer. Continuity ? ,absolutely. High press style going to continue ?. Without a doubt. Affinity with the players ? Definitely. Experience of league 1 ? ,as a coach maybe. Unproven head coach ?. Without a doubt. The board will decide ,it is a gamble to appoint Disco, is it worth the gamble? In my choice the board have nothing to lose by appointment within. The only one who is sticking his neck on the line is Martin Devaney. Will he take up the poison chalice if its offered ?. In my opinion yes . The time now is right, caretaker coach when he took ?, over no. I don't think there was any other choice at that time. The team were down ,players sent back to their parent clubs. Using the boys to make up the team and subs. We can't judge him on this tenure. Good luck to him if he takes up the challenge. Big boots to follow in Duffy ,he was a very good head coach,hence teams after him. Just hope the fans back him like Duffy got even though he had a dodgy start.