Type “Arctic Monkeys” into Twitter. Some of the comments have had me howling. Helps if you’re watching this bizarre “headline act” from Glasto.
I’m a massive Arctic Monkeys fan and always have been, defended Alex Turner countless times over last few years about how he’s changed. But I’ve gotta admit he’s totally changed now, the way he looks, dresses and this garbage spoken word singing style is utterly embarrassing. This is best thing I’ve seen on Twitter tonight and it’s dead accurate…
No different to Oasis and countless other bands. Two good/great albums followed by a load of average stuff. Is it the influence of drugs (cocaine?) or the fact that they're no longer in a place of producing what broke them into the big time (tales of misspent youth and working class problems)? Rappers certainly suffer from a similar issue - it's difficult to rap about the social/economic issues they endured when they're suddenly millionaires. Funnily enough most rap fans don't want to hear about the downsides of owning mansions. Shame as I still think the Monkey's debut is a genuine classic that holds up well despite the years.
This thread is crazy. Belting set, amazing in Sheffield the other week, continually shifted what they're doing and adapting to new sounds. Sometimes I wonder if people wanted Bowie to reproduce space oddity ad in finitum for the rest of his career.
Get what you’re saying, believe me I’ve said same over years. Just not feeling Turner performing in that spoken word voice like he’s doing a poetry reading at a trendy cafe in Paris.
You can’t keep writing Brianstorm in your 40s, I think they’ve changed and that’s criminal in the eyes of some, don’t think his voice is on top form but they nearly pulled the show because of it, but once he warmed up thought they weee pretty good tbh. At least he’s sober, seen them when he’s been high/p1ssed not as good.
Just think every band filters their back catalogue through their new sound at the time they're performing. Personally I love their new album so it works for me.
Genuinely think people just get bored & move on to other bands or are more exposed to the band members & have issues with them personally rather than bands ‘turning ****’. I can’t honestly believe that people think AM with Do I Wanna Know, R U Mine, Knee Socks, Snap Out Of It, Arabella & Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High on it is ‘****’ if you liked the first two albums. As for Oasis, Stand By Me, Don’t Go Away, Hindu Times, Stop Crying Your Heart Out, Little By Little, Gas Panic, Lyla, Idle, Let There Be Love ****? Again, you can’t go from liking their first 2 albums to thinking all these are ****.
I watched a bit. Never rated them anyway, but didn’t hear anything particularly awful. It’s obvious he has injested one too many Scott Walker records, than was good for him. But he’s not the first to do that..
I’d heard so much good things about them so stayed up to watch them turned it off and went to bed after 3rd song thought they were crap
Didn't see it, but in his defence, he's had acute laryngitis recently - think they cancelled a show earlier this week.
I really like Oasis but my issue with them is that they really span out their songs.. stop crying your heart out and stand by me are prime examples, it’s just repeat to fade for what feels like an hour…with regards last nights AM set, for me it was Meh