Absolutely not fit for purpose. Springy, chewy, impossible to slice thinner than a mattress. Utterly useless for making sandwiches with, catches fire in the toaster. All for £4 a loaf. Give me soft white or granary any day, or any else that doesn't cut my mouth to ribbons when I try to eat it.
Oh dear...I bought a sourdough loaf yesterday to see what its like. Not opened it yet. Should I just bin it or should I throw it in the garden to try and make all the pigeons puke up?
There's been some absolute bollicks written on here recently (lots of it by me) but that is by far the worst opinion of the lot. Had most of a loaf with some cheese and cured meats last night, used the remainder to make french toast this morning. Sourdough is one of the GOAT breads
Give it a go mate. A lot of people love it, my wife and daughter included. Hence why our bread bin is always full of the rubbery ****.
I know I'm in the minority here. Even more so as a craft ale supping, organic vegetable eating, olive loving tw@t. But I just can't get into sourdough. Your dinner last night sounds tremendous, but I can't imagine it would have been any worse with fresh baguette or granary.
It's OK. Any "proper" bread that is not mass produced, with a load of additives is OK. Ideally wholemeal. If you are worried.... I have a gluten & Sheffield Wednesday intolerance I'm trying to deal with BTW.