Moore couldn’t get a team with 4x our wage budget automatically promoted 2 seasons in a row and he only got promoted by luck in the end. And his teams don’t play pressing football, which is at odds with our entire setup Please don’t hire Moore, a nice guy but he’s overrated as a manager
Yeah it’s a real shame he didn’t get them promotion with only 96 points last season. A feat not mangers have managed to achieve either.
So it's only based on money? Not who interviews best. Or who matches the board's vision. It's ridiculous that it's Devaney gets the job it's going to be seen to be purely because he's the cheap option. If it's only cost that matters surely we could just appoint whoever says they're happy to do it for the lowest wage? Let's give the board a little credit. They got the last appointment right (even if it did ultimately leaves a bad taste in the mouth how it played out).
Exactly. Doing my tits in now, this mithering about how Disco should've been given the job while the seat was still warm. Doesn't make any sense.
Come on league one is garbage I’m sure you know that, didn’t we come close to our all time record points tally as well, as did other teams. That wasn’t down to Moores amazing management skills, everyone is more or less getting 6 points from the bottom third He had the 2nd highest budget in the league, 2 seasons in a row. We had the 11th and they only just scrapped past us. Don’t let those records trick you, Moore didn’t overachieve at Wednesday he underachieved, par for them would have been automatics and he failed to do that twice. Par for us is mid table on our budget.
That’s settled it for me. We shouldn’t try for anyone who could potentially and proved that they could get us out of this division then. Let’s just settle for someone who could turn out to be great, crap or somewhere in between. We didn’t have 11th place budget. We only had that stat cos we had 2 players we didn’t use. Think our budget was in the top 4 otherwise.
No, but he wasn't deploying anything. He couldn't coach. He wasn't allowed to bring with him the coach that was deploying that high press at his former club.