Not good regardless of opinion on him. Some will say a bank can have who they want banking with them, but it's a slippery slope and all a bit China. I could understand if he was in huge debt.
Pretty hilarious if you ask me. Hope he loses everything and is miserable for the rest of his worthless life for the damage he's caused this country. I also don't buy the "without explanation" ********. He knows exactly why they've done it and it'll be because of dodgy money hitting his account.
Wow. Seriously - that's what you want? I think Brexit is the second most evil, braindead, profiteering, poor-to-rich wealth transfer shiit bomb ever dropped on this country, but i wouldnt even wish for debanking purely for political purposes to be visited on the evil waankers who instigated the number one on that list. They just think differently to me. I don't want their lives effectively impacted to the extent that they can't function here.
They don’t just think differently though do they. You don’t believe for a second that Farage actually believes the nonsense he comes out with about migrants and brexit. It’s purely a power and money grab by appealing to the racists. In an ideal world he’d be locked up for the rest of his life, it’s what he deserves. But i can’t see that ever happening, at least not any time soon, so the next best thing is that he loses everything he’s got and is forced to live in misery for the rest of his life. He’s right below Trump for me on my list of people that i’d pay good money to watch get launched into the sun. They both use the exact same playbook to grift money off people too. They’ve both come out with the same line too “if it can happen to me it can happen to you” - aye if you accept dodgy russian money they could seize your bank account too. Or if you steal classified documents and show them to people to show off you too could face legal trouble. To be fair i’d be happy for him to get his bank account access back if he wants to buy a ticket to go and see the Titanic. A bloke i used to work with once told me he’d lost access to his bank account and asked me to lend him some money so he could pay his bills. This was a friend and someone working in a professional field on good money so i had no doubt. I lent him a good chunk of money. 2 months in a row. I found out later he was a gambling addict in 6 figures of debt. I expect Farage to start a go fund me within a week. Not because i think he’s a gambling addict, but because i think he’s spotted an opportunity to make a bit of money.
Live have been ruined as a direct result of the lies told by Nigel farage. People have lost absolutely everything and sadly quite a few have lost their lives due to that as well. I hope that farage loses everything that he's cost other people and if the worst he suffers is losing a bank account while continuing to make millions from spouting his hatred then I think he's got off lightly. The lovely person should be in prison
The notion that the establishment has conspired against him is nonsense of the type you would see emanating from his friend Trump. It's instructive that the seven other banks he approached clearly shared the same concerns. I imagine they would be precluded from publicly outlining those concerns. Farage will probably know them, but no doubt prefers to invent his own narrative. As Johnson's traction and popularity continues to fade, let's hope Farage - who has done such damage to this country - also recedes back in to the shadows from whence he came.
Banks usually do this when suspicious activity has been occurring on their accounts or following a police investigation into their finances - a lot of the time without the target knowing they have ever been looked at. (ex Financial Investigator)
Let’s face it this is a bloke who was so hated by a former friend he tried to kill him in a light aircraft . It’s long been alleged he was receiving money from Russia , denied by him , but it’s hardly surprising he’s involved in dodgy deeds
The 2 poster boys of Brexit. Bozo and Farrage. One allowed the son of a top former KGB spy to be made a Lord, even though the MI5 said it was a massive threat to national security and the the other, the Aaron Banks puppet had his bank accounts suspended due to what has been reported.. awash with Russian money. So much for sovereignty eh. Both Putins mate. Amazing how the media in this country can mould these 2 into anything other than traitors. Folk love em, still do, mainly the working classes who cheer them on whilst having their pockets picked... same in the US with trump. Lie after lie after lie. Hopefully history will show how damaging these 2 corrupt grifters were to this country.... but I doubt it will.
The Bank in question is Coutts. The most exclusive ‘bank’ in the UK. They have rules that you must follow to bank with them. You have to have millions firstly going into your account each year and on top of that you must have ongoing investments in the millions. If you don’t they will close your accounts. I saw replies on Farage’s tweets calling them a Marxist bank! They are the most elite bank in the UK if not the world. TBF there’s no such thing as a Marxist bank, it’s the most ridiculous thing to suggest and makes my head hurt but Coutts (give me effing strength). Only the elite of the elites bank with Coutts. This goes to show how dangerous these snake oil salesmen are. They can create a culture war in one tweet, whilst claiming to be the victim of being suppressed by the establishment whilst actually being the establishment themselves.
I’m with you. I’d also laugh if somehow he ended up in jail and lost his liberty and kept out of harms way. Twisted individual.
But that's not the point is it. You're a fool if you make this political. It's way beyond left and right.. it's what they did with the Canadian truckers.. if you're a threat to the narrative. The banks have been weaponised. Makes no difference if you like Fararge or not. In six months time it could be you or something you support. Take your Children, owt, protest is banned. If cash is stopped for digital currency its the ultimate weapon in this modern age. For the masses can't buy anything or pay a bill... Do as your told, take your tab. Go and fight the Russians or Chinese.. You are ruled by the fist and never see anyone.
Of course there’s an explanation. Banks close accounts if there is illegal activity e.g. fraud or money laundering. Notice that seven other banks are also refusing to have him. If it was just political reasons then ask yourself why now when he’s the most irrelevant he’s ever been. Why would every bank refuse to touch him?
Forbes You may not think it could happen to you. A bank generally can close your account at any time and for any reason—and sometimes without notifying you in advance. Reasons a bank may shut down your account include using your account very little or not at all, or bouncing too many checks. While it may come as a shock when your bank account is closed, you can take steps after it happens to safeguard your money. In addition, you can make some moves to help ensure the bank never closes your account. What I want to know is. Where will he put his money. It will need a big bed. Hope they give it him in 1p coins.