Says all you need to know about him the way he talks about " lackeys" Horrible man and I'd be surprised if there were no dodgy payments into his account.
This may help explain it a little. He is bankrolled by Aaron Banks, who was very recently accused of being bankrolled himself by the Russian government in his Leave.EU campaign. It could not have happened to a nicer man, horrible two hat who still gets air time for some unknown reason.
I wouldn't believe him if he told me the earth revolves around the sun. There's more to this than what he's said. Oh! And I agree with the "piece of s*** comments as well.
The planet would be a much better place if he wasn't on it, like for the old witch thatcher I'll throw a party when he's dead same with Johnson
Agree, he'd also notch this up a level or three because he's a politically exposed person. Banks don't like dealing with PEPs as they involve a lot of work. I seem to recall his mate, the one who owned the insurance companies based in Gibraltar like Go Skippy being in the press for being investigated by the NCA over his finances. I have no direct knowledge but I'd say they've just found it too time consuming managing him
He's probably being investigated for some sort of fraud. The Brexit party was being investigated for fraud when he was in charge so he's probably a suspect. The bank might have decided he's too much of a risk to their reputation and would have been unable to tell him why they've closed the accounts because the police are involved. Just ask yourself, why would he be "forced" to leave the country simply by his bank closing his accounts? Unless it's to avoid the possibility of being arrested....
Yeah that's him, banks, couldn't think of his name. He owns/owned southern rock insurance the holding company for Go Skippy insurance. I helped a mate sue them. Dodgy as you like.
Thats only a bit of it, these people dont bank in one place and they definately dont bank it in the uk, i'll bet.
According to the Times it’s something to do with a payment made to him by the Russians that was announced in the commons last week. Sometimes like half a million. Total weasel who has done even more harm to this country than the Tories (can that be true?)