Donnyreds @donnytykes Wilder to Barnsley? 11:08 AM · Jul 2, 2023 · 475 Views Tweet your reply! Reply Rob Staton @robstaton · 52m Not expecting that
That to me screams he knows nothing, but desperately hopes it’s not true. If he had ANY inside info telling him it was rubbish, he’d be shouting it from the rooftops.
I just think it’s a throwaway comment. Personally very sceptical about the Wilder thing. I have been all the way through. Zero media coverage just doesn’t feel right, despite the bookie thing. I just don’t think Rob Staton knows owt either way like.
I think if there's owt going on they tend to know.. Back to expecting a Austrian school teacher again.
1. He'll want too much money 2. He'll want to manage and not coach 3. He has ambition No chance will he come to Oakwell
Number 1 could be scrapped off if no other club wants him while his stock is down, and number 3, he could really use a promotion to get said stock back up. Honestly I could either see him coming in for a year to try get another promotion on his CV and his name back into people's mouth, or as you say, he won't come as he wouldn't have total control. Id say he had a point with the total control thing a few year ago, but can see why clubs are hesitant now after his last couple of clubs.
That's what i keep coming back to. If folk want to lump on and theres nothing in the rumour. Then the bookies would let em lump on.Thats how they make their money. And why hasn't it come back on.
Roughly translated, he's not heard anything regarding Wilder, and would be surprised if its true. Sums up feelings too.
But is not as though he has to work. I'm sure he's living comfortably enough to have 6 months off, bide his time and take a job that he likes the look of. It's a no win situation really for him at Oakwell, because he'd be expected to do well, and would only damage his reputation if he didn't.
Agree with your first paragraph. Second paragraph though, players and coaches always back themselves. Surely any incoming coach sees a team that narrowly lost in the playoff final as a great opportunity to get a promotion on their CV. Particularly with the teams coming down. No idea if Wilder will come here but after his last 2 stints, he does need a little bit of a rebuild of his stock.