Makes me wish I could get transported back in time,running up the shale and grass carpark into the ponty end
There were plans to make a 3rd series of Life on Mars. I think it was due to be set between LOM and AtA, with John Simm and Philip Glennister both keen on returning, however it's recently been shelved due to financial constraints.
Up there with Auf Wiedersehen Pet as some of the best TV ever created and Gene Hunt is definitely one of the greatest ever characters
I've always said it would be great if they made a cop show set in the 70's with the cast of and based on life on mars but without the time travelling bit.
I loved both Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes. They're definitely up there with the best shows that I've watched. I still haven't made up my mind about the ending of AtA though, it was so bizarre! I can't decide whether it was awful or brilliant.
They thought about calling it Ford Granada... what an awfully misleading title that would have been. For me, Ashes just didn't work as well, for various reasons. But I thought Daniel Mays as 'the devil' type character in series 3 was good, in a really eerie way!.
"Do ya want to know what I've been doing this lunchtime? " "Building a death star?" Brilliant series.