I don't dispute that with you, mate. I think we all on here, despite how positive or negative we are, feel the same way & just express it differently. But I also see your second point, surely it's better to wait an extra week and miss 1 friendly and make sure you get the right head coach, rather than panic and not do your due diligence and rush. I do understand the frustrations with the board, I suspect it's lingering disappointment & annoyance from our previous board, but as I said in another thread, this current board got virtually everything right last season, from Duff, to Connell/Cadden/Norwood to B. Thomas & Isted etc. It'll be the same for the club who we poach a manager from, difference is they'll have even less time. I just think this board got off to a good start after last season and we should give them the benefit of the doubt to do it again this season before we all start slagging them off
I like the kit. It cannot be mistaken even at a distance for a Man United kit or a Liverpool kit, which are worn by so many "fans". That's got to be a plus.
I would hazard a guess that the loyal supporters on social media that don't have an ounce of her drive or positivety are a bit like me in that we've just seen a decent manager and one of our best players leave for better money. We're still in the third tier and have a ground that is in need of some care not to mention the still appalling match day experience. I get the kit idea - design something 'out there' for marketing gain, get new followers etc but at the cost of losing kit purchases from folks like me. Why didn't their creative brains come up with a new kit concept where they had a more traditional one as the 1st/2nd strip alongside the 'wacky'one catering to more people. I'm not anti JAC - just don't see the big deal when essentially we're not in a great position with no manager, lost our skipper, prob lose some other players who have been replaced by who? A lad from ponte and a keeper relegated with Hartlepool? Yay.
If I thought we were going to remain with no manager, no skipper and our only signing would be a keeper relegated with Hartlepool then I'd agree.
Stockport manager has turned us down and Derry City manager is a target - doesn't bode well tbh. Having said that, I've got my s/t and will be fully behind them as ever. Think middle age has whittled away what optimism I had in my youth!
I've not seen either of those things substantiated. Not to say they're not true. I just try to take a realistic view of where the club is at. We're a yo yo club without a billionaire owner who wants to throw money at us. It's maybe a harsh reality but it is the reality.
Surely that can't be possible because apparently Wilder signed on the dotted line last week. I mean there's a 13 page thread about it so it must be true.
All of this. She's also, via her twitter presence, made herself accessible to the wider fanbase. She's maintained this despite being the target of abuse from some on there.
Absolutely. Some of the comments she gets are vile. You'd say people should be ashamed of themselves but that's a boat that's long sailed.